Chapter 29 - Hospital Stay

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*****Trigger Warning***** Infant Loss


I am still lying here weak in my hospital bed; the door opens and a female in scrubs and a white coat walks in.

"Hey, I am Amaris, one of the healers here." She sticks out her hand to shake mine. "Dr. Frances asked me to check on you today."

"Amaris?" I ask, enclosing her hand in mine. "What are you doing here? I thought you lived in the Still Waters Pack with your mate? We brought you to that mate meet & greet three years ago."

"Luna Charlie?" Amaris startles. "What are you doing here?"

"It's a long story, Amaris." I sigh. "I need you to do me a favor. Don't let anyone know I am the Luna of a pack, nor where I come from. Okay?"

"Okay." she looks at me quizzically, then turns to stare at her laptop screen. "Why are you in the hospital?"

"That's part of the long story, but I-I rejected Jenson and cut out my mate mark a couple of days ago. And, I woke up here."

She gasps as I lie back in the bed, exhausted. "It nearly killed me. I haven't spoken to the Alpha here yet. I understand he has been busy. I plan to seek anonymous asylum here."

"This is a wonderful place to live, Charlie. Your secret is safe with me." Amaris states as she examines my chart. "It appears some of your tests have just come in, let's go over the results. Your blood toxicology report shows some traces of wolfsbane. Do you know how that got there?"

"No." I am shocked to learn that.

"Yes. It is just trace amounts." She reiterates, "We will just up your fluid consumption and it should not cause you or the pup any problems."

"Pup?" Once again, I am shocked.

Amaris meets my eyes. "You didn't know you were expecting?"

"No." I choke out, tears begin trailing down my cheeks. I don't know if I am happy because I finally conceived or sad because I finally conceived but my life has disintegrated. "How far along am I?"

"Oh, honey." Amaris enfolds me in an embrace. "It looks like you are about five weeks. I'll order an ultrasound." She begins typing on the laptop. "How are you feeling?"

"I am so tired and weak."

"Those symptoms are probably due to a combination of the breaking of the mate bond, your pregnancy and the wolfsbane poisoning." She divulged. "I'm not surprised you are in the hospital." She begins typing again and continues.

"I am prescribing prenatal vitamins, plus I am going to up your IV fluids so the wolfsbane should be out of your system in 24 hours. Those two things will help with the symptoms." Amaris examined my IV bag. "Lastly, I have a supplement I developed for rejected mates. I know you did the rejecting, but it eases mate separation. It is totally safe for the pup. I took it myself during pregnancy."

"Thanks, Amaris."

"You're welcome, Charlie. I am going to be out of town for a few weeks, but I will leave extensive notes for Dr. Frances so she can follow up on the wolfsbane poisoning. Do you know how you came to have wolfsbane poisoning?"

"I have no clue."

"Just rest Charlie. You should be right as rain soon." She smiles down at me, pats my hand and walks out the door. Leaving me with so many questions and no answers. I curl to my side and fall into a troubled sleep.

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