Chapter 17 - Highway to Hell

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Jenson POV

"What was that?" I yell as an explosion rocks the building. Before I can react, a portion of the ceiling comes crashing down on me. A dust plume rises as I shake my head to clear it. Blood streams down my face. Swiping my eyes with my sleeve, I look around to survey the damage. It's bad, but it could be worse.  Alpha Commander is shouting and digging at the ceiling which is now covering the majority of the floor. Goddess! Where is Charlie?  Where she had been standing mere minutes before, is now a pile of rubble.  Getting to my feet, I shout, "Charlie!" and begin to frantically dig.

"Roland got her out!" Alpha Commander yells. "Help me get the rest of the Alphas free!" He orders. Compelled by his command, I join him and dig. But my thoughts are only on Charlie. I hope she is okay. I still feel that itch, but it is decreasing.

We manage to dig everyone out. Alpha Stone is the only one who sustained severe injuries. Alpha Commander throws him over his shoulders and with everyone accounted for, we start for the exit.

I mind link my Beta. "Ben! Are you okay?"

I get a weak reply. "Help."

Damn! "I have to go get my Beta." I yell. "He's in trouble." While everyone else clamors down the stairs, I race down to the opposite end.

"I'll help you!" I hear footfalls behind me and see Alpha Rowan. The hallway is a mess as most of the roof on this side appears to have caved in. The building seems to be tilted this way slightly as well. This is precarious.  I make it to the conference room. "Ben!" I see a hand waving amongst the debris. Thankfully, he is just under some ceiling tiles. His head is bleeding and he seems dazed. "Was anyone else in here?" I ask. He shakes his head. Rowan helps me lift him across my shoulders in the fireman's carry position. He just sags, out cold.

"The damage looks worse on this side of the building." I shout over the alarms going off. "We should probably go back across to the other side to descend."

He nods in agreement. The smoke is becoming increasingly thick.  I watch as Alpha Rowan takes off his jacket and tears loose the lining, and discarding the jacket.  He makes a mask for me and himself. With no further time to spare, he ties the mask on me and yells, "Get going!" As I run down the hall, he is behind me, tying his mask on as we go.

We reach the stairs and I am infinitely grateful for the mask he fashioned, as smoke and dust are billowing up the stairwell. Rowan has another piece of cloth in his hand and as we pause in the doorway, he drapes it over Ben's head and ties it hastily. "I'll go first." He says.

As we enter black cloud, the song *Highway to Hell by AC/DC runs on a loop in my brain.

"Season ticket on a one way ride

Askin' nothin'

Leave me be

Takin' everythin' in my stride

Don't need reason

Don't need rhyme

Ain't nothin' that I'd rather do

Goin' down

Party time

My friends are gonna be there too

I'm on the highway to hell

On the highway to hell

Highway to hell

I'm on the highway to hell"

Above property of AC/DC.

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 by Mellie_readsnwrites

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

Charlie POV

My ride in the ambulance takes on the stuff of nightmares. I still can't get a clean breath. I begin seeing spots around the corners of my vision. In my delirium, I hear their voices coaching. "Hang in there miss! Take deep breaths. That's right."

Pain wrenches through me and I scream. I feel my wolf in my mind pacing and panting. I can't breathe, Lana.

Yes, you can. Slow your heart rhythm. Our son needs you to do so. He is being deprived of oxygen. Take deep, long breaths. Her words soothe me and I am reminded of the meditation techniques I have been practicing. You have been traumatized, Charlie, let me take over. She says as I feel her surge forward, while I am pushed back into the recesses of my mind. I am engulfed and submerged.

Dr. Hopewell

Emergency Room Doctor


The EMT begins spouting, "Unknown, unresponsive pregnant female, mid 20s. BP 150/90. Pulse tacky, breathing erratic. Fetal heartbeat indicates that the fetus is in distress.  May be due to lack of oxygen.  Patient appears full-term. Water broke. Smoke inhalation. Was conscious at first. No other injuries are known. Was in the headquarters building that just exploded."

"Well, let's get this little pup out!" Dr. Hopewell announces. "Contact L&D and let them know we have an emergency and get an operating room prepped. This little female is in no shape to endure labor and the pup won't make it if we don't hurry."

"Yes sir." The nurse rushes from the room.


A/N I normally like to leave the story clean, but I wanted to pay tribute here to my husband, Jamie, who used to be a volunteer firefighter. Whenever he put on his SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus) and entered a burning structure, he would start singing AC/DC's Highway to Hell because it reminded him of entering hell. It helped him to get his job done and to get out safely. Thanks to all the firefighters and emergency personnel for always running in, when the rest of us are running out. Love you babe.

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