Chapter 14 - Witch Descendancy

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After searching Tracy Vincent's room, we not only found a grimoire, but we found various teas and potions. Everything except the grimoire has been packed and sent to the clinic for analysis and to determine what exactly we are dealing with.

Since we knew that there were other packs involved and even more criminals than Ms. Vincent, we decided a conference call among the packs was necessary.

Sitting in the conference room with Enf. Orson and Beta Ben, we are discussing the upcoming conference call as the giant TV comes to life and the various alphas begin to join the call onscreen. Alpha Rich, Alpha Blake, Alpha Devon, Alpha Wright, Alpha Reems, and Alpha Jon all appear with their various teams. The lead enforcers are also in attendance. A cacophony of boisterous alpha voices ringing greetings echo throughout the room.

"Gentlemen, thank you for joining us in this information gathering call." I begin as everyone settles down. "We are gathered here to investigate criminal activity regarding mate bond tampering and we appreciate everyone's willingness to attend. As always, please be aware that all of our meetings are video recorded. Also, every one of you will be sworn to secrecy. The things we will discuss are ongoing litigation. Also, we know wolves love to gossip, but these criminals have done irreparable damage to multiple parties. We will go around the room here and to every alpha's team onscreen. Each person will introduce themselves, swear secrecy upon punishment of law and agree to or state their unwillingness to be recorded.  Anyone not agreeing to these terms will be invited to leave the call." He watches the video screen carefully to ensure compliance. When everyone has assented, he nods. "Let the record show that everyone attending has agreed to secrecy under penalty of punishment and consented to be video recorded."

"As per our custom," I continue, "I am going to ask Lead Enf. Orson to conduct this investigation. Enf. Orson?"

"Thank you Alpha." Enf Orson begins as he shuffles through the file in front of him. "For brevity, we sent our complete investigative file to each of your lead enforcers, with the assumption that you would review them prior to this meeting. To summarize our accusations, Tracy Vincent administered drugs, magical potions, and potentially used spells upon our Alpha Jenson, with the intent to interfere in his mate bond to replace herself as our Luna. She is further accused of attempted seggsual @ss@ult, allegedly insinuating consensual seggs as she came here claiming the pup she is carrying belongs to our Alpha. There may be further charges coming and further individuals may be implicated post investigation." There were some gasps coming from the packs that had no knowledge of the crime against me, but there were nods of acknowledgement from others. "Unfortunately, in the brief time we were investigating Ms. Vincent's claims, our Luna disappeared. We don't think foul play was involved, but Ms. Vincent's crimes are more severe as she was successful in her interference as the Alpha and Luna's mate bond was severed." Additional gasps rumbled at his words. "We found this grimoire in her possession." He holds up the tattered grimoire they had found in their search of Tracy Vincent's room.

Alpha Blake speaks up. "Enf. Orson, if I may?" He motions for Alpha Blake to continue. "My team and I are joining you from a motel conference room in Stone Mountain Kingdom. We were tasked to pick up Tracy Vincent from Little Silver Creek Pack and two prisoners from Still Waters Pack both for mate bond tampering. I suppose that is why we have been gathered here so that we can see if there are any similarities, and to halt similar crimes.  This is an attack on our families, as well as our packs."

"Enf. Orson may I interject?" Enf. Hill from the Still Waters Pack requests

Enf. Orson nods, "Please proceed."

Enf. Hill continues. "Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. You will notice the absence of Alpha Quinn? Luna Quinn has been charged and arrested for mate bond tampering, the use of magic and drugs in said crime, kidnapping, murder, attempted murder and unlawful imprisonment. Again, pending the results of the investigation, there may be more charges and others implicated. These charges go back over 20 years, but some are current as well."

At this point, the room erupts. Shock clearly written on everyone's faces.  Enf. Orson retakes the room. "Please! Please! Let's get on with this. I don't want to spend any more time on this than is necessary. No more interruptions, keep your comments to yourself." The room quiets.

Enf. Hill requests again, "May I continue?"

Enf. Orson nods.

"After a preliminary search of Jeni Quinn's room at Still Waters Pack, we found a tea mixture that has been sent off for testing.  Enf. Orson, we can compare notes on that later."  He nods his agreement.

Enf. Hill continues. "Luna Quinn will be transported to Stone Mountain City within the next couple of days. Also, the other criminals that were transported to Stone Mountain with Ms. Vincent, were Alpha and Luna Quinn's daughter, Jeni Quinn and her best friend Sheila Morris. They are charged with mate bond tampering between Alpha Devon and his mate Amaris, to the detriment of the mate bond which is now half severed. In her tampering, test results show she used magic, spells and wolfsbane."

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 by Mellie_readsnwrites

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

"I might have some information to add," Alpha Reems reluctantly admits. "I recognize that grimoire.  If you look on the front page, it belonged to Nelda Baird Reems.  My grandmother.  Garnet Quinn and Tracey Vincent are my cousins." a frenzy of whispers erupted. "Our grandfather, Remington Reems, Alpha, married Nelda Baird, a witch. Their children, among others, include my father Cedric Reems, Garnet's father Niro Reems and Tracy's mother Narcissa Reems who married Ramos Vincent. There is a familial connection between them. I was aware that Tracy had a criminal record of mate bond tampering and was even on probation in Alpha Rich's pack for tampering with his mate bond, but I was not aware that Garnet nor her daughter had been guilty of it as well. I am innocent in their schemes. Their grandmother would be ashamed of them. I know I am."

The next two hours are spent discussing all the information and evidence. Enf. Orson compiled a record on Tracy Vincent, noting the connection to Garnet and Jeni Quinn, while Enf. Hill compiled the record on the Quinns, noting the connection to Tracey Vincent.

Finding all this information doesn't ease the ache in my chest.  I feel the hollowness where my mate bond with Charlie once resided.  If I ever get the chance to see her again, I will beg for her forgiveness.  Right now, though, my wolf and I want retribution exacted.  Tracey Vincent needs to pay, as does everyone who perpetuates this heinous crime.

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