Chapter 15 - Good Girl?

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Charlie POV

I've been a member of the Sunlight Shimmer Pack for about three months now. They have allowed me to join the pack anonymously. I explained my situation to Beta Rick, since I have not met Alpha Blake yet. Alpha Blake has been working out of town on a matter for the Alpha Commander. Beta Rick advised that they would not hide me, so if asked, they would be truthful; however, they won't volunteer information, either.

My background, experience and abilities have earned me a consulting position with the pack's tech and security department. I have been working on upgrading the pack's security measures. Due to an increase in criminal activity, I have built a facial recognition program with which to vet visitors. Anyone approaching or requesting access to pack properties for any reason is screened through this application. This is vital for Sparksburg since we are a large college town. Our nightlife activities attract a great number of visitors and tourism from various other packs. A high-resolution camera system is installed at each of our pack entrance gates. Anyone requesting to enter beforehand is checked through the system as well. My short time here has increased pack security one hundred-fold.

My company start-up, Silver She-Wolf Security Development, is in its maturing stages. I have been growing it for over a year. I kept it discreet and on the back burner to avoid any conflict of interest with Jenson being the Alpha of my pack. Not a concern any longer. I planned to surprise Jenson when I brought it online, but...well, we know what happened with that. He has no clue I even birthed this project, and I have now successfully launched it.

Which brings me to today. Alpha Blake has requested that I do a presentation to a few select Alphas this morning, along with the Alpha Commander. They are interested in implementing the facial recognition software I developed territory wide. If this goes well, I could become very rich and independent. That would help me out tremendously, as I am now four months pregnant. This would give me the opportunity to step away from the business and let others run it for me while I raise my little one.

I have been reassured that Jenson will not be at this meeting today. I have been told he and the other missing Alphas are otherwise occupied with a criminal investigation. At least I don't have that looming over my head today.

I caress my stomach as I think of the pup's father. As time has passed, my anger has subsided. I have channeled my frustrations to better pursuits. Meditation, yoga and counseling, not to mention growing my company. My pup deserves to be incubated in a calm, nurturing environment. After the pup arrives and I am more settled, I will contact Jenson so he can be involved. 

Meanwhile, I have traveled to Stone Mountain City to do this presentation. I have about 20 minutes before the meeting starts. Sitting at the conference room table, looking over my presentation while trying to calm my nerves, my assistant comes in with a mug of herbal tea for me.

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 by Mellie_readsnwrites

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

"They are going to love you." He says, Roland Myers is my "right-hand" man. I would have been lost without his support these past few months since I hired him. He does all heavy lifting, figuratively and physically.

"Thank you, Roland. For the tea and the encouragement." I smile at him as he sits beside me.

"No problem. What do you need me to do?"

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