Chapter 20 - Coming Home

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"Knock, knock! How's my patient today?" Dr. Emily Sutton calls out as she enters the room. Nurse Reynold is trailing behind her.

"I am feeling much better today." I smile, caressing Xyran's cheek as he nurses. We've been here a couple of days due to Xyran's fragile condition when he was born. He has improved greatly, but there have been some issues with his heart rate dropping a few times.

Jenson has stayed by my side, helping with Xyran most of the time. There have been a few times he has had to go to meetings with Alpha Commander or another Alpha.

"We have identified the issue causing Xyran's heart rate to drop sporadically." Dr. Sutton claps her hands. "It appears that Xyran's heart rate issues always occur when Alpha Jenson is gone."

I gasp. She's right. Every episode has occurred right after Jenson has left for a meeting and continues until Jenson returns. Why hadn't it dawned on me sooner. I glance at Jenson and his demeanor displays his realization as well.

"Studies have shown that wolf pups are highly intelligent and are susceptible to outside stimuli in utero, especially that of their sire. We feel like the issue may be that Xyran didn't get that nurturing from his father and when he did hear Alpha Jenson, as we all know, it brought him back from the brink of death. Compound the fact that Xyran's sire is an Alpha."

"That's all well and fine, but what exactly are you trying to tell us?" Jenson demands.

"In a nutshell, Xyran has formed a very strong bond with you, Alpha, in a very short time. He probably feels the loss when you leave." Dr. Emily tries to explain. "We don't know enough about this anomaly to adequately diagnose; but it's as if Xyran becomes depressed when you leave Alpha, and his health suffers. Sort of like separation anxiety."

As the words sink in, I begin to cry. "My having left Jenson and stayed away has caused my pup's health to be adversely impacted."

"No!" Jenson interjects. "I'm not letting you take this all on yourself, Charlie. I handled things badly and you felt you had no choice."

"Let me just finish here and we will leave you all to discuss that further. But blame is unhelpful at this point." Dr. Emily interrupts. "It will probably be something he will outgrow as he is nurtured. There is no need for medical intervention at this time, but we will schedule regular check ups to monitor his progress. In the meantime, Alpha, it is vital you stay close to him. When you have to leave for any reason, communicate with him about where you are going and reassure him that you are returning. I know this may sound trivial to some, but our young are more perceptive and intelligent than we give them credit for."

"Okay, Dr. Emily." Jenson agrees.

"Do either of you have any questions?"

"Not at this time, but I am sure once I process it, I will." I say, rubbing my temples in an attempt to clear the ringing in my ears.

"We are going to release you now. When the paperwork is complete, Nurse Reynold will come in for you to sign." Dr. Emily waves breezily as she exits. "You all take care!"

While Nurse Reynold is gone to prepare the releases, Jenson and I stare at each other.

"What now?" I ask Jenson.

"Charlie, I think you know how I feel." He gets down on one knee beside my bed. "I have always loved you and only you."

"Jenson, I have never doubted your love. But love is not enough." I reiterate. "If I didn't make myself plain, I I NEED open communication. Our relationship can't breathe or survive without honesty. You have broken my trust."

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