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A girl named Kim wojo, she's cute but not innocent ,she have a little attitude, but not for her loved once.
She lives with her uncle Kim hyunwoo. In Busan her uncle is a military man she's is an orphan girl her parents is also in military but they died in a mission to save the country.

but before they die they give's there daughter's responsibility to hyunwoo he's the only person they trusted with there whole heart but didn't have any blood bond but they are best friends when they died wojo is only 10 month baby.

but when they died hyunwoo take care of wojo just like her father. and can't make her feel lonely and now she became's young now she's in her last year of graduation, but her uncle got transferred to Seoul that's why they have to live Busan and now they are in Seoul 💜

"We come Seoul tomorrow in night"

I am in sleep when i heared my lovely "unkle voise" he said in a sweet voice wojo baby wake up. ahh unkle please let me sleep I am tired because of tomorrow.

No wojo, I know you are tired because of tomorrow.but you sleeps enough for that, now wake like a good girl.

"Ahh no unkle please just a little" I said noo wake up you have college. Unkle I will go college from tomorrow, just let me sleep now.

No means no now. wake up and go to direct washroom and and fresh an up, I am giving you 20 minutes, come fast and when you come late your going college without breakfast.

"Ah unkle it's too less just give a 50 minutes" 20 minutes and your time starts now. Ahhh now I don't have much time I have to hurry, my unkle is very strict he do what he says.

He's unkle is strict but he loves her soo much, but he have to be strict because of her goods he loves hem more than hir self .

I run to washroom and take shower, after shower I come out in bath rop and walk to my clothes ,and wear a dark green top and white long jeans.

After that, l come out and walk to dinning table and sit on the char. Unkle servef me my breakfast and we too eat our breakfast silently. Because it's my unkles rule when we are eating we don't have to talk.

Today my unkle is staying in home, because we come here tomorrow that's why unkle have a holiday today, basically he didn't live in home he only come when he have holiday.

So unkle today are you in home right! Then drop me to college. Okk let's go. "One second unkle I wanna take my bag" okk go the. Hmm

After takin my bag we drove to my college." I come out of the car"okk bye unkle take care of yourself. You too my baby and call me when your college will finish I will come to take you.

"Okk bye unkle" bye. after saying unkle bye they drove to home, and I entered in the college, and see the board where written where is my class, after knowing where is my class I walk to my class and there i see professor is in the class I walk in the class and then the go to professor and said, hello sir.

"Ooh hello" soo you are new here.what's your name? Kim wojo oh nice name. I just smiled and then sir say. Go and sit.

Then sir says soo students, now we can start our lecture. Then sir finish the lecture the bell rang, the sir gose out of the class. I am sitting and just looking here and there, then my eyes fell on a boy. oo God her eye l can't take my eyes off from him and then he also look at me and we have eye contact for only 3 second then he looked away from me but l can't take my eye off from him.he is very handsome l think I love him oo my god l have love at first sight.

I am looking at him but someone's called me, and the voice come from my back I just trun around and then he say's. hello!what's your name? Wojo Kim wojo then he say's ohh nice name by the my name is cha eun woo I just give him a sweet little smile.

Then he say's now we are friends! then I said of course. Eun woo can I ask you something then he hamed in a respond then I asked him who is that boy. Pointing my index finger at him .He is the same boy l have eye contact. Then he say.

Ohh he is very popular student in our college by her look's and he is very intelligent in college and also he always have first rank in college.

Beauti with brain. i stated. eun he is single? Noo! He didn't have any interest in girls, he always do study and didn't talk to girls, that's why girls always say him that they didn't understand any chapter or any maths problem, then he teach them he only talk about study not anything else.

I can't say anything and make 'o' face o this boy is very interesting i says 8n my mind and then I asked eun what's his name than he say Jeon jungkook.

His name sute him i stated now l will ask you something. I just hamed in a respond then he says you have crush on him right? Then l says. Eun woo now you are my best friend and I can't lie from you. Yes I like him then he says ohh love at first sight you too sute eachother.

I just blushed at his words then he says ohh someone is blushing eun woo please stop it don't tease Mee ok okk then then we talk about parents then he says me that he also didn't live with his parents he live alone and when l said him about my parents he feel sad for me then we talking about random stuff when and the bell rang.

"And it's lunc break "

Then we too walk to the canteen then take our lunch and now we are searching a empty table and it's only one empty table left the we go there and sit there and started eating our lunch with talking and laughing.

And then a boy come and sit beside Mee because, eun woo sit in front of Mee but tere are 4 chair. and beside eun woo tere are also empty chair but he sit beside l just got shoked. who the boy is but when I see him i can't take my eyes off from him because he is none other than

"Jeon jungkook"


Hiii army's soo it's my first fanfiction which I written but mostly I love read fiction but then I think I also write fiction and give chance to myself, and my imagination. Soo it's the reason I written the story soo please how I give my self a chance to write fiction you too also do same and read my story and give myself to entertain you from my story and also comment me how my story is and then I will be inspired by your comment and improve myself thankyou 🥰😍😘

💜Love you armyyyyy💜

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