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I heald his hair from behind and pull them. When he hissed and removed his hand from my waist then torn around and face him and then I kicked him on his main part. When he hissed in a pain and fall on the ground.

When that section boy Heald my hand from behind and then another boy come in front of me when I kicked him in his stomach he fall the ground then that section boy turned me around now I am facing him.

That section boy take his leg in the air to kick me when I held is leg and make him fall on his head. When I turn around that another boy ready to slap me when I held his hand and turn him around now his back is facing then i push him and kick him on his back.

Now they all are on the ground and everyone is looking at me in shock. I walk to the couch and take sohi with me then I take her phone from the table then I take her to the car and make her sit in back passenger sit then I settle on the driving sit.

And from her phone I see her house address and drive to her home. After sometime we rich there. I get out of the car and take her out with them i rang the bell. When someone opened the door and

And that someone is jimin.


First let us in jimin.

Hmm give her to me.

Then jimin take her and made her lay on the couch.

Wojo where you found her i jus-

I cut him off and said.

You are her brother right, then you know you have responsibility to take care of you sister.

Yes I know. Clam tone.

Ohh you know, then how can you let soha out at this late night. You know where she was. In Angry tone.


she was in the club. When I called her, I listen that some boys are saying such a thing to her then I go there when some boy are misbehave with her. Yelling at him.

Luckily I go there at right time and take her with me.

What kind of brother are you, you only have one sister, you can't even take care of her. How can you let him stay out so late at night. And that too in the club.

My uncle can't even let me go out after eight. Can't even let me wear shorts. And talk about club is so far away now.

How struben boy you are jimin, You are not even saying, I'll be careful next time.


What sorry. In irritating tone

Sorry, I'll Be careful next time, I will never let her go out at night again. In sweet tone.

You better do. In angry tone.

I should live now.

so soon.


I mean it's too late I'll drope you to your home.

worry about your sister not me. I have my car I'll go by myself.

I said and walk out and drive back to home.

After coming home I go my room and take A deep warmth shower. Then I weared my Pajama i drifted in my dream land.

                             Jimin pov

I must have gone searching for this girl from five hours, I don't know where she went, how many times i said her it's not safe to stay out at night,

you come back home then tell you.

How many time called her but she didn't picked up the phone. When I am just calling her again when door bell rang.

And it's wojo.

I take sohi and lay her on couch. Then I asked her where she found her but she cut me off.

She yell at me and she is looking angry. Ohh I just can't take my eyes off from her she looks more cute when she is angry.

I am in my own thoughts when she said me to say I be careful next time.

And i sweetly Said what she told me to say.

Then what she said make sad. That now she is going.

Then I let her go. She sit in the car drive to her home.

Then I come back and now also I am in her thoughts. When my thoughts got interpreted.

Boss your plan is to kidnap wojo right.

I Hamed in response.

So, she had just come here on her own, then why did you let her go?

This was not the right time, tomorrow is the right time to kidnap her.


Because she will be ready to become Jungkhok's bride. I want to see those expressions of her when she becomes bride not jungkook but mine.

When she all get ready for jungkook but It won't be for  Jungkook, it will be for me.

Now go and sleep I am also going tomorrow will be very special day of my life.

I come into my room and lay on my bed. And drifted into my deep slumber.

                              Sohi pov

In the morning the sun rays hitting on my when my sleep get disturbed then I try to open my eyes and after some struggle i opened my when i feel a burning sensation in head my head is hurting like hell.

Then I get up and take a sitting opposition in the bed.

How did I come here? I was in the club.

I don't remember anything

I tried to remember what happen with me. After thinking too much the i remembered everything.


To be continued
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