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Jungkook is driving the car, and I am looking at window from out side view.

Soo! How you are feeling now.

I can't describe my feelings from words Jungkook.

I think, i should marry with your eomma not with you. How prettiest she looks, jungkook I just fell in love with eomma.

Ooh hello! Appa can't let you take away eomma from him, and what about me hun, you'll marry to my eomma, then who' ll marry with me. How can you think about cheating on me, huh.


Huh, what sohi?

you marry sohi. When i said this. He stopped The car with a sudden jark.

He turned and now he is fully facing to me.

What just you said. He stated in anger tone.

Yes jungkook you marry sohi. I reply in a clam voice.

When I see in her eyes, I feel like she loves you. You marry her jungkook.

WOJO,WHAT ARE YOU SAYING. i won't marry anyone except you.

Clam down jungkook, I am just kidding you. I'll marry only you. Don't worry. Now let's go start the car.

Then he stated the car and the whole ride went silent. He stopped The car and opened the door from my side. I come out from car.

Bye jungkook, i said I was going but he stopped me.

Wait, I want something from you. He said.

Now what you want.

"I want kiss"

After our marriage how many kiss you want I'll give you, but not before our marriage. Hmm.

Why. Jungkook said.

Because after our marriage you ll get all rights on Mee. And also we are not in relationship ok, so we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, we are just good friends.

Wojo, your this i love the most.

I smiled at his words.

"Can I go now" i said.

Hmm go, bye.

I sit in the car and go back to my home. I go to my bedroom 'nd lay on my bed.

Wojo i love you soo much but, I am mad at you how can you say that marry sohi, never in my live I can do it. Because the person I love most in my life is you.

Our all lecture finished and we all do is like usual routine. Me and jungkook we behave like friends because I told jungkook that day we are friends we are not in relationship, because we have to complete our study, I don't want relationship come in between our study's and by the way  we are marrying after graduation. I want to enjoy this year with jungkook as a friend.

But I told eunwoo that i propose jungkook and he accepted it and he also loves me and I told him that how his parents treat like her own daughter. And he is also very happy for me.

Now it's time to go home when jungkook said that he have to meet principal you go to our I am coming after meeting them. I hemmed in a respond and jungkook go to office and now I am walking when i bumped in to a hard chest and and the guy phone fell down from his hand.

                              Guy pov

I am walking and scrolling down on my phone when a girl bumped to me and her head touched my chest. And my phone fell down. Then I bend down and take my phone.

"ARE YOU BLIND" she said in angry tone.

When my eyes meet her i feel like the whole world stopped around me. I can't see anything else then her. Her pinky lips like the made for be mine. Her perfect slime nose. Her perfect doe bumbi eyes. Her perfect body shape just the made be mine. I am admiring her when she said.

Ohh hello! Where you lost huh.

Her melodies voice i just fell in love with her.

I understand that you are blind but you can't even hear also.

I am not, but I am, after seeing and hearing you.

What do you mean after seeing and hearing you. Huh.

No, I mean how beautiful you look but how loudly your speaking.

So you are telling me how loudly i speek, so Mr for your kind information i have to tell you, it's my voice, how loudly i want to speak I will speak. So say sorry and get out of my sight.

Okk! Sorry it's my mistake I a....

She cut Mee off and walk away from me. I love her attitude. I'll break this attitude of your just wait and watch. I'll make mine soon. Babygirl.

Oppa, I just think that you ll not come, but come.

How can I deny my sister. Huh.

Oppa you are so sweet. Yeah know that, let's go now.

We come to the parking when I see my babygirl.

Wojo what are doing here, you didn't go home, are you waiting for someone.

Ohh so my sister know her it's a good thing my sister knows her.

Yeah, I am waiting for jungkook The principal had called him, he has gone there and when he comes, we will go together.

Oo. By the way meet my brother he is my elder brother. Park jimin. Oppa she my friend Kim wojo. We are in same year.

Oh hello wojo I take my hand in front of her to shake with her.

Oh so he is sohi's brother. He take her hand in front of for shake. When jungkook come and said.

"Let's go wojo"

Sohi you have a boyfriend. Jungkook said.

Jungkook, you are mistaken, he is my elder brother. Park jimin. And oppa he is my Jeon jungkook.

Hii jungkook. They too hugged each other's.

Jimin you are CEO of park interprize right!

Yeah right.

I can't beleive he is the CEO of park interprize. This company is the biggest company in Seoul.

Okk bye jimin bye sohi we are getting late.

Jungkook you and wojo, are you going together.

Yeah why, you have any problem.

No jungkook i didn't have any problem. But it's strange that i never see you with any girl and now you and wojo.

She is my fiancee.


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