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Ohh sorry it's my mistake I didn't see
you. I said.

It's ok by the way in which year you are.

Last year. I stated. Ohh I am also in last year but I've never seen you before.

No I am new here just from yesterday i joined here.

By the way what's your name. Park sohi. ohh nice name. I am Kim wojo. Nice to meet you.

Mee too. Then let's go our lecture it's getting late.

Yeah let's go.

The we too walk to our class together.

We entered in our class and my eyes fell on jungkook. How hot he is looking. Wojo what are you thinking stop it. I struggled off my thoughts and take my sit.

Boring lecture ended. Eunwoo said. Let's go to the canteen. I said.

We take our lunch and started to eat when jungkook come and sit beside Mee. Then eun woo said. Today also you didn't find any empty table. But there are lots of tables are empty.

The table and canteen is not your that why shut your mouth and eat your lunch sailently.

By the way I am sitting beside wojo not you that's why don't tell me where can I sit where not.

Kookie don't get angry. He is just teasing you. I said.

'Can I sit here if you don't mind'

Sohi why should we mind please sit. Sohi sit beside eunwoo.

Then sohi said. Oh jungkook you are also here i didn't see you by the way I want yesterday's note.

Jungkook hamed in a respond.

We finished our lunch eun wo and soha go to keep that plate on counter. And I and sitting here jungkook finished his lunch but he is still sitting here.

I also finished my lunch. Then jungkook said. I will drope you to your home when the last lecture will finish we will go together.

No I will go by my self you don't have to be worry.

I did not Repeat. He said. And walk away.

Huhh is he is a phycho. When I am say i don't want to go with him why can't he understand. But why I am worrying It will save my bus ticket money anyway. I will go now it's getting late.

The last lecture finished and now I am taking my stuff. Eunwoo go just a minute ago. When jungkook come and say let's go.

Hmm. We sit in car and he started the car and we drove to my home. The whole ride went silent.

I get out of the car and say jungkook bye. When he said. You didn't have any manners you should ask me to come to your home and made coffee or tea for me.

Oo I am very sorry i didn't ask you no one is in my house and I don't know now how to made coffee or tea but I give a treat tomorrow at dinner.

No no am just kidding you you don't have to do this.

No kookie you are kidding but I am not I am serious I just want to tell you when say that.

Okk i will come hmm. Hmm i will send you the address. But kookie you live alone. Or with your parents.

Yes l live with my parents.

Kookie if you don't mind please take your parents also at dinner. I just want to meet them.

Okk. I will come with them.

Okk bye. Bye

I come home when i think I should take gift for them. First I will fresh an up then I will go to take gift for them.

Jungkook pov

I come home eomma, appa started to say tere name loudly.

When mom and dad come from there and mom said what happen my baby why are you shouting.

First sit then I tell you the reason.

Then mom and dad sit on the couch and i also sit on the couch in front of them.

Now tell us what happen appa said.

Eomma, appa a girl take new admission in our college from yesterday then yesterday i drop her to her home and today also that's why she say she want to give me a treat that why she invited us tomorrow for dinner.

Iet me guess you love her. Eomma said.

I just blushed. Then appa said oo someone's is blushing.

Eomma appa don tease me I said in little cute tone.

Okka okk we will come.

Jungkook you want us to ask her hand from her parents. Eomma said in teasing voice.

"Eomma not only hand I want her all"

Yeah jungkook she will be all yours. Okk appa said. Now can you tell us what's her name.

Kim wojo. Jungkook her name very nice I am glad that how beautiful she's looks i am very excited to meet her.

I am also. appa said.

Jungkook we will buy something for her. What say. Appa said.

Honey you took away my words from my mouth. I am also thinking about this. Let just buy something but what.

jungkook pov

Eomma appa also agreed with my choice. my dear wojo I will make you my just wait.
Wojo pov

In the morning I wake up and do my
morning routine and drove to college.

When i entered in college my eye fell on jungkook he say me to sit beside him.

Ahh jungkook eunwoo is sitting alone i think I shouldn't let him sit alone.

I said to jungkook and sit beside eunwoo when jungkook come in front of us. And said.

"Heyy eunwoo move" why would I sit beside it's empty.

Jungkook pushed eunwoo. And sit in between me and eunwoo. Then eunwoo said.

Heyy jk what are you doing huh. Then jk Said.

I said first politely. But you didn't listen. That's why I push you. And by the way don't call me jk. Be in your limits.

Kookie, you are behaving rude now. His is also your friend. I said.

No he is not my friend. Jk said.

Like I am just dieing to make you friend. Eunwoo said.

Now you too can please stop fighting.

Wojo I did not start the fight first it's jungkook who started fighting.

I know eunwoo you are innocent. I said.

He is not innocent. You don't know him. Jk said. And now don't take his side and open your books and start the study exams are coming. And also when you got any in any don't hesitate to ask me. You know I am always there for you.

I hammed in a respond.

The bell rang and now it's brake time.

We three go to canteen. When jungkook said.

Wojo you go and sit i will take your lunch.

No kookie it's fine i will do by my self.

I did not repite. Jk said.

I just hamed in a respond. Then he go to take our lunch.

Rute but caring. I just want to spend my whole life with him. But wojo it can't become true. Just don't think about him that much. but can't I just try. Can I propose him. But what when he reject Mee. No no wojo don't do it.

To be continue

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