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"Why you sit here" eun woo stated

There i didn't see any empty place here I see that's why I sit here jungkook stated

Why you have any problem?

Noo no i didn't have any problem it's first time you sit with us that's why I asked

Soo you are new here right jungkook stated. I can't beleive how melodies his voice is yeah.

What's your name? Kim wojo. Nice name he stated l just smiled the I take a bite of rice from spone. The he said you did not what's my name.

Then I said ohh my mistake say what's your name Jeon jungkook then I said ohh your name is just like you.

Then he ask "how" "cute" the he smiled like bunny then I said but kookie sute can I call you kookie. Then he said of course.

Then he said now eat without talking it's not good habit to talk when we are eating.

Yeah you know what my unkle also says this to not talk when we are eating. He is very strict.

It's good to be strict. Noo it's not good to be strict too much. Noo it's good. Noo it's not. it is. noo it's not.

When we too are arguing with eachother then eun woo interpreted and said now let me eat in a peace or you want me to go on another table.

"Sorry" we to say sorry together and we also started to eat our lunch and then go our class and then the lecture started.

Now the lecture finished and we are going to our home. Eun say me bye and go to his home. And now I am standing on road and waiting of unkle to come. then I got a call from unkle and unkle said that they are not coming to pick me. because they argent work. then I cut the call and I am just walking when a black car in front of Mee.

The person down the window and says come on I will drop you to home.

I just surprised to see 5he person and the person is none other than jungkook.

No need I will go bye my self. Then he say come on wojo now also you are maad at me huh. I am sorry. Now let's go.

I just sit in front passenger sit and then I said I am not maad at you you are taking me 8n wrong way.

Ohh so you are not maad at me. Then give me my sorry back.

Okk then at your sorry also I don't want you sorry. I closed my one hand and take in front of him and says. Take your sorry.

I just smiled at her cute behaviour. And said not like that.

Then how can I return your sorry. she said in irritating tone.

Kiss me on my lips. I get shocked what he says. Whatt. I said. Then he said.

I said kiss me on my lips. Am I looking like pabo to you. noo you looks cute.

Are you flirting with me? Noo I am wanna be close with you.

Now I am done with this man. Dare to say a single word and I will break pretty mouth of your.

Ohh soo you are saying that I got preety mouth. Hmm why didn't anyone says you. You got preety mouth.

Noo many people says that I got preety mouth but when says it feel different.

Now shut your mouth and silently drive car I want to go home not in havean.

Okk ma'am. But first tell your address. Dora apartment.

He stop the car and I get out of the car and. Hey thankyou for dropping me home. No need to be because we are best friends now. Hmm we friends.

Hyee best friends. He stated. Noo your not my best friend. I said. Then he said. Then who is you best friend.

You don't need to know that. Then he said but want to know who is your best friend. I didn't repite. Atleast say me is that girl or boy. It's a boy. Okk bye. Once again thank-you.

Ohh so it's eunwoo. After dropping her i dove my house.

                            Wojo pov

Ohh finally I am home. Ahh it's my first of college and i can't imagine then my first will become my memorable day.

I am loving jungkook soo much. But it's different that he talk Little shit. But literally he is very sweet guy. The way he look, the way he talk, the way he experetion give.  Ooo i am falling in love with him. I just want to spend my life in his embares.

Ohh wojo what are you imagine he can't be yours. Don't think about him. And pay attention on your studies it's your last year.

I just struggled off my thoughts.

I think I have take a nap the I feel fresh.

                       Jungkook pov

I am home and i direct go my bedroom and just lay on my bed.

I can't think about anything else then her how cute she looks. When first we did eye contact i literally fell in love with her. Can I propose her. No no no it's too earlier for this first I have to know that what I feel she also feel the same.

You know what wojo, you deserve whole world's happyness. And i will give you what you deserve.

Next morning

Wojo pov

I wake up earlier because I don't wanna again scold from unkle. I take a warmth shower and wear a white hoddie and black geans.

I come out and go to dining table and there i see my breakfast all ready in plate then I see There was a letter next to the plate

I take the letter and started to read.

In letter

Good morning my dear wojo I am going to military because my holiday are over now I know it's very earlier but You know na I have to take care of the country also. So eat your breakfast and go your college and don't you dare to forget my rules. And for your kind information again i tell you the rules don't wear shorts, don't come home late, and don't you dare go to clubs and drink. Eat on time sleep on time wake up on time and take care of your self. Bye

                                              Love you
                                          Your unkle ❤️

I just want to cry now again I have to live in this house alone i should lie when I said I I feel empty without my parents. If today my love with Mee how happy I feel then then I also said that I am the happiest girl in world but I think I am not that much lucky. But it's okk i have my unkle and I love him so much.

I eat my breakfast and now I entered in my college. I am scrolling down in my phone when suddenly i bumped with a girl and my phone fell down.

are you blind. The girl said.

                              To be continue

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