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It's go wojo.

We too sit in the car and he drive toy home.

Jungkook, why say them that fiancee.

What why wojo af course you my are fiancee. 

No jungkook I am not. I didn't even say uncle about you. And i don't even know he ll agree with us or not.

Don't say negatively think's be positive and talk about us with your uncle soon.

I'll talk about it after graduation. I can't tell this over the phone. Anyway, uncle is going to come on my graduation day. Then I'll tell them.

Hmm. I hope so your uncle say yes.

Of course jungkook uncle ll say yes. Because nothing is more important than my happiness for them.


My apartment come and I get out of the car.

Okk bye jungkook.

Hmm bye.

                              Jimin pov

Seojoon give all information about wojo.

Sir, give 1 hour I'll be back with all information.

Wojo you are only mine, I can't let jungkook stanch you away from me.

"you see how i make you mine" and you won't be able to do anything.

Sir this the information about wojo.

What is it.

She lives alone in dora apartment, her eomma appa is in military but, they died in a Mission. When wojo was 10 months old. But her eomma appa give's her responsibility to her friend Kim hyunwoo. After that hyunwoo take care of wojo, and hyunwoo is also in military.

"Okk you can go now"

Seojoon bowed and go from there.

Babygirl soon you'll be mine. A smirk asperse on his lips.

                              Sohi pov

               "Sohi is in her room"

I can't do anything else then cry. I loved Jungkook since childhood, but soon he ll belongs to someone else.

Maybe He's not in my destiny, but I can't stop loving him. But i have to forget him now i don't have any rights to think about him.

Why Jungkook, why can't you see my love, I have loved you since childhood.

Yes, I never told you that I loved you because, I was afraid that you would reject me. and break friendship with me.

"All this doesn't mean anything anymore"

It's too late now.

But i think i should stay away from him now.

After some time i drifted into my deep slumber.

                             Wojo pov

I wake up and do my morning routine.  I wear white hoddie and blue geans. I am just looking myself in the mirror when phone rang I take my phone and see the caller ID it's none other jungkook. I picked up the phone I was about to say hello when he said.

I'm standing under your apartment come down quickly. I am waiting for you.

He didn't let me say anything and disconnected the phone.

I locked the door of my house and elveter and go to ground floor.

he was standing outside the car wearing sun glasses, hands folded, legs crossed.

When I come down he opened the door for me just like a gentleman. I get in the car. When he also sit on the driver sit and started the engine. And we drove to our college.

"day by day you are being gentleman"

"I am not being I am"

Really. When i said really he just look at Mee angrily.

Jungkook you know our exams are starting from tomorrow.

"Of course I know wojo"

then you started studying. I stated

I don't need to study, I am very smar.

No you are not smart, you are over smart.

"you studied"

yes, I have completed all my studies.

We arrived to the college. Then jungkook opened the door from my sides. Then I get out of the car. When I see soho also come out of the car.

Good morning sohi i said.


Come on let's go i said when sohi Hamed in a respond.


We walk in our class and we all sit in same raw beside sohi I sit and beside me jungkook sit and beside jungkook eunwoo sit.

We are doing nothing because the professor didn't arrived yet. When I see sohi just sitting silently and her face her face is pale and her eyes are puffy.

Sohi why are sitting silent, Your eyes are puffy and your face is also pale, If you have any problem you can tell me. I'll help you. we can find a solution.

"My problem is such that you also can't do anything"

"sohi you just said something"

No i didn't.

Ok now tell me what's the problem.

No Wojo, there is no problem, everything is fine I didn't sleep well at night, that's why my eyes are swollen, you don't have to worry everything is fine.

And also I am very happy for you and jungkook, just take care of eachother and always be happy. May god bless you from evil eye.

                            Jimin pov

Now even God also can't save you from me, when my eye fell on you That's when I decided I'll make you mine forever.

Seojoon when he'll come it's been 10 minutes we come here, now also he didn't arrived yet.

Sir, that military man does not have time, yet somehow I made him agree to meet you. It will take some time boss, wait he will come.


Hello are you jimin who want to meet me.

I get up from my sit shake my with him and said.

Yes I am jimin. Please sit

Hmm. Then we all sit on our respective sites.

I am park jimin, CEO of park enterprise. I don't have the habit of talking in circles so I come straight to the point.

i love wojo and i want to marry her.

What. Her uncle said

I know you are her uncle. Hyunwoo. Just take your time then tell me your answer I am not in hurry.

Okk we can live now. Seojoon give them my number.

Okk have good day bye. I said

You too bye.

                         Hyunwoo pov

I think there is no problem in this relationship, he is the CEO of the most biggest company in Seoul. Also he is very handsome. And also he have good manners.

"He is perfect for my wojo"

But i should ask wojo first.


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