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                             Sohi pov

What I saw I couldn't believe my own eyes, oppa kidnapped wojo.

Don't worry wojo I am here i can't let him take you anywhere. Jungkook said.

You think that you can stop me huh. Jimin said.

Yes, I won't let you take Wojo anywhere.

Only when you stay alive for that.

Jimin said and then he take a gun from his back. When he pointed the gun at jungkook.

Jimin what are you doing put the gun down.

No wojo, he had to die, When he dies then you will be all mine.

What are you saying jimin please don't do this please just kill me but please live him.

No wojo.

OPPA what are doing are you mad put the gun down.

sohi don't interrupt, and come in between us.

Oppa what are doing huh. You can't do this just please put that gun down.

I said stay away.

Jimin put that gun down.

Noo he had to die.

He is not letting me go I can't free my hand from his greep.

Then a Idea bumped in my head.

I bite his hand so hard and he hissed in a pain and free my when I take the opportunity and run from tere.

When the only


Sound we heared after that the all area is now silent.



When i run jimin shoted at jungkook.

When i just run and go in front of jungkook.

When the bullet go in side my heart and the blood come out.

                                            End of flashback.

I fall when jungkook held and now my head is on jungkook lab.

Then everyone come to us.

Hurry up call the ambulance. Appa said.

When i said.


Wojo what are saying just open your eyes.

Jung-kook c-can..you..p- please..f-ull-fill...my last-w-wish.

Wojo please don't say this nothing will happen to you i won't let anything happen to you. Please don't close you eyes.

W- where i- is s..sohi.

Wojo I am here.

S sohi p-please fulfill m-my l-last wish.

Wojo don't say like this.

Y- ou t...too m- marry e- eachother.

Wojo what are you please don't say this i can't do this please. Jungkook said.

S-ohi..m ma.rry jungkook and always t-take care of him,n- ne.ver let him s-su-ffer from lack of a- any-thing. Always be with him.

J-jungkook you also a-always take care s-sohi and make her happiest g-girl in world.

Wojo please.

You promised me that you can't live me then why are breking your promise.

S-sometimes w-e have t-o break p-pro-mise e-even if we don't want t-to, and w-hen th-ose pro-mise are b-roken, every-thing gets bet-ter.

No nothing will get better. 

Wojo wojo please open your eyes. Please please wojo.

J-jungkook our l-love i-s tragedy love i-it'-s m-my fate..

F- ful- f- fill m-my p-pro-mise a-and u-uncle e-ommw appa sohi j-jungkook a-always s-st-ay h-hap-py g-goodb-bye.

NOO WOJO OPEN YOUR eyes please please please don't live me I'll die without talking please please open your eyes please wake up.

After 2 years.

Now it's been too years seen wojo live us and today is the when wojo died.

This day jungkook go to meet wojo on his grave now jungkook is also happy in his with sohi now they have a baby boy. And his nme is jungwon. Jungkook love his baby and sohi so much but also he love wojo because she is her first love he can't forget her.

He fulfill wojo wish and accepted the reality and jungkook parents also love like there own daughter.

That day when wojo die. She also cry so much and blamed her self for all.

But jungkook and her parents Said that it's not her mistake her brother did this so don't blame your self.

But jungkook take too much time to move on he always cry all night in his room and blame his self that he failed to safe her love.

But when jungkook is all alone sohi always there with him.

He always cry in front of soha all night when Sohi claim him and they are living tere Life together.

Sohi thinked she'll not get his love but now she the most happiest in the world.

Jimin come out after one year from jail and he is regretting what he do.

He go daily to meet wojo on her grave and living his in regret.

He try to talk with sohi but sohi didn't talk to him.

And accepted the reality and living his life.

But he is happy that her sister is now living her life happily with jungkook.

Jungkook parents also take time move on but they fulfilled wojo wish and always love sohi just like there own daughter. And give all love witch she deserve.

And wojo uncle also blamed him self that he failed to take care of wojo. He Think that how he face her eomma appa after he die.

But for wojo he also stay happy and his all time gose in military.

And the story is like this.

Moon and star love eachother but when sun come they are eng.

      And this is the end of the story.

                           THE END

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