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We entered in. when they are discussing something.

Jungkook what they are discussing.

Instead of asking me you should ask them, Because I was with you, how would I know what they were talking about?

Why are you standing here then let's ask them.

Then we walk to them when I ask them.

What are you guys talking about?

we are talking about your marriage.

so what did you diside.

you two will get married the day after tomorrow.

But It's too early.

There is no leave, I have to go back to the military after 2 days.


wojo I'll sent jungkook to pick you up tomorrow morning Then we will go to shopping for your wedding.

Okk eomma.

we should leave now it's getting late

Bye eomma appa bye jungkook. Go home safely.

Then we sit in car and drive to our home.

                             Jimin pov

Ohh soo she is in love with jungkook.

but you won't get him.

Because you don't deserve him.

I know you won't accept me. But i always give you what you want I always give you the love you deserve.  I know that I am the one who is going to snatch your happiness from you. But trust me, I will give you much more happiness than that.

Sir we got this information just now that wojo is getting married to jungkook a day after tomorrow.

Hmm you can go now.

                             Sohi pov

I was passing by my brother's room when I heard seojoon is saying that wojo and jungkook is getting married day after tomorrow.

My heart broke after hearing this I knew this was going to happen sooner or later but still why can't I accept this thing, Jungkook is not mine and will never be.

But I have to accept that, Jungkook can never be mine. Maybe someone else is written in my destiny and not Jungkook.

What are doing here. Seojoon asked.


                            Wojo pov

I wake up and do my morning routine and after that uncle and me we too eat our breakfast. Nland now we are sitting on the couch. Watching k drama. When the door bell rang.

maybe jungkook has come.

Uncle, I bring my parcel and you open the door.


I walk in my room and came back after taking my parse with me.

I opened the door.

Hello jungkook.

Hello uncle.

Come in.

What would you like to take, tea, coffee or juice?

No thanks uncle, but eomma is waiting for her call wojo we can go then.

I come out from my room when uncle.

Wojo is here you too go now.

Let's go wojo


how are you. Said in happy tone.

what will happen to me I am ok.  Said in irritating tone.

You can't give a straight answer nah. In Little angry tone.

This doesn't suit my style. Said in attitude tone.

What else doesn't suit your style? In excitement.

you don't need to know. Mind your own business. In irritating tone.

Ohhh mind my own Business, once we get married then I'll  show you my own business. Said in a teasing voice.

For your kind information, let me tell you that I have no interest to see your business. Said in clam tone.

But I make you see. In clam voice.

i will close my eyes. Again in clam voice.

But i forcefully make you see. Said in confidence tone.

i won't let you force me. In confidence.

Don't you dare to argue with me I'll change my mind and show my business now here. In angry tone.

And don't you dare to say or do anything, I am telling you the truth, I will do something very bad. In serious voice.

And what'll you do. In serious tone.

I told eomma that you're saying that you'll show me your business. Teasing voice.

Then say what you want to say eomma, I don't care. In confidence.

First take me there, That's when I'll told them. In straight tone.

Then let's go. 

I'll also see how you tell eomma.

I will speak from my own mouth and what is there to see in it?

I'll see what I want, now can you please sit in the car. I can't win against you, i give up.

He opened the car door from my side and i sit in then he close the door and and settled on driving sit.


To be countinue

And don't forget to vote and comment me.

Bye army's.

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