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I take shower and weared my clothes

I take shower and weared my clothes

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And do some little meakup.

When i heared that uncle is calling me.

Wojo are you ready then come out I am waiting.

Yeh uncle I am ready, just coming.

I said and weared my sandal. And walk out.

Uncle let's go.

You are looking beautiful.


Let's go.

Then we come down and sit in car and drive to the hotel.

                         Jungkook pov

I get ready and come out from room.

Tere eomma and appa is sitting on the couch

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Tere eomma and appa is sitting on the couch. The Said.

Let's go.

Then we sit in the car and drive to the hotel.

                            Wojo pov

We get out from the car and walk in the hotel.

When we entered the first thing i see is jungkook and my 'O' jungkook and i we weared same colour but how handsome he is looking in that suit. I know he look handsome in everything but today he is looking hot.

I struggled off my thoughts and I and uncle sit on the chair. And jungkook Eomma and appa they are already sit on tere respective sits.

Wojo you and jungkook  wearing same colour cloth, You guys had decided to wear the same color clothes today.

Noo eomma it's an co incidence.

Oh by the way you are looking prettiest in this clothes.

Of course she is prettiest because she is my princess.

We were talking when waiter come and said us to order our food.

Then we give our order now the waiter gone.

Now our food are arriving.

Wojo we'll feed you. Appa said.

Then appa make eat first bite of food.

Jungkook, you don't have to feel alone, I'm here to feed you.

Uncle said and make jungkook with there oun hands.

They feed us and now we are done with our food.

Eomma we are done now can me and jungkook go down for a walk.

Of course you can go.

Let's go jungkook.

Then we walk down and go the garden. We are walking in the garden.

Wojo you are looking beautiful angel.

I smiled sland said.

Jungkook you are also looking handsome today.

Nah, Not just today, I look handsome always.

Yehh always.

wojo i need something from you.

what do you want.

I want promise from you.

what kind of promise.

Promise me That you will never leave me.

I promise you that I will always protect you.

You probably heard me wrong. I said, promise me that you will never leave me.

no i heard right.

Then promise me.

Okk, I promise you that I will never leave you.

One more promise.

Promise that you will stay with me till my last breath.

I promise you that I will stay with you till my last breath.

Again you heard wrong I said promise that you will always be with me till my last breath.

shut up you i heard right.

You shut up, you made a wrong promise.

I have made the promises I had to make to you.

Wojo, it is all my responsibility to always protect you, from this cruel world.

Jungkook, you are a boy, it doesn't mean that you can protect a girl, a girl can also protect a boy.

And how will you protect a boy during his periods?

shut up you dirty minded man.

No not dirty minded, pro dirty minded.

Yehh, let's go now it's getting late.



                      So army comment me how this part is. And also vote me.

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