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,                             Wojo pov

It's been days seen Our exams are over and tomorrow is our graduation. And I am very excited because my uncle is also coming.

It's night time I take shower and sit on my bed and make a call to my uncle.

                                                         on call

Hello uncle! How are you?

                          i'm fine, wojo how are you.

I am also fine uncle.

                          when will you come home.

I will come by morning.

                             You know, wojo, I have something important to tell you.

Then tell!

                         No, i can't tell you on phone, when I come home then I'll tell you.

Ohh okk! By the way I also want to tell you something important. But I'll also tell you when you come home.

                          ok now quickly go to sleep It's not a good habit to stay up so late.

Okk uncle bye.

                          End the call.

I lay down on the bed and i thinking what important uncle want to tell me. But i struggle off my thoughts and close my eyes and drifted into my deep slumber.

In the morning I wake up and do my morning routine and wear a white shirt and black geans.and let my hairs fall. I come out from my room. When door bell rang. It's none other than my uncle.

I opened the door and hugged my uncle.

"Uncle i miss you soo much"

"And I miss you more"

Let's in first.

Uncle and i come and uncle on couch. And I go to kitchen an take a glass of water for uncle. Uncle drink the water. Then I said.

Uncle first get fresh and and then we'll eat breakfast together.

Uncle Hamed in a respond. And walk to to his room.

I ordered the breakfast. After some time the breakfast arrived. And I take that and settled the breakfast on the table.

Then also and we sit and eat our silently.

And now we are sitting on the couch and on the random stuff. Then I remembered that uncle had to talk to me about something important.

Uncle you said me that you want to tell me something important.

Oh yes, I had forgotten that.

What do you want to do next in your life?

"i would do job"

oh then what have you thought about marriage.

Uncle why are you asking me this question.

"Because I want you to get married now"

a proposal has come for you.

No uncle i love someone else. And I want to marry only him. I said in a panic tone.

Relax, wojo i didn't say yes for there proposal. Anyway I'll not force you, you can marry whoever you want.

Really uncle?

Of course wojo, Nothing is more important than you happiness for me.

O uncle i love you so much. I said and hugged my uncle.

But i love you more.

Now tell me who is that you love.

I tell uncle whole story how I fell in love with jungkook and how his parents treat. And uncle is also very happy after listening this.

Uncle jungkook and his eomma appa is also coming in the graduation ceremony, then I make you meet them.

Okk now let's your graduation ceremony must be started.

Okk let's go.

Then we too sit in car and uncle started the engine.

Uncle you know what I am very excited to meet his eomma appa.

So you are excited because you are meeting to his parents and not because you are getting graduate.

Noo uncle I am excited for being graduated also.

Now I am also very excited to meet them.

Really uncle, you know what, they are soo sweet when you Meet them you also fell in love with them.

Then let me talk directly about your marriage.

Nah, this is too soon for marriage, first you should meet them after that you can talk about marriage.

Uncle Hamed in a respond.  And now college is in front of us we too gate out from car and walk in the college.

When we come in I see jungkook and his parents are talking i can't wait and run to them.

Eomma appa i miss you soo much. I hugged Eomma.

We also miss you soo much wojo. And now I can't let you go away from us.

I just smiled.

I broke the hug and go to appa and hugged him. And appa hugged me back.

I missed you appa.

I missed you too my princess.

I broke the hug and said.

appa eomma he is my uncle. Hyunwoo, and uncle This is Jungkook's eomma appa.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Jeon"


Hello uncle I am jungkook.

Hello jungkook.

You know what uncle,  when wojo is with them they just forget me, and just behave like I am invisible for them, but not anymore because you are here just love me and me your full attention and make them jealous.

Of course jungkook now I love you more than wojo.

Uncle how can you say that you love jungkook more than Mee.

She said and in sad tone and make a cute sad face.

Wojo your uncle love's you like no one can love someone in the whole world, they are just teasing you, now don't make that face, just smile you look more beautiful when smile.

Yeah I know, come on now we'll take photos.

We take many photos and then the graduation ceremony started. And we'll get graduated.

We come down from stage Then eomma appa and uncle congratulate us.

Congratulations you too I am proud of you.  Eomma said.

Congratulations, soo now my princess get graduated soo. You deserve gift. Appa said and give me a big choclate hamper.

O appa thankyou soo much. I said and hugged appa.

Jungkook I also have a gift for you. This is your gift. Uncle said and give a big box and the box covered in a purple gift raper.

Thankyou uncle, wojo see your uncle give me a gift. Jungkook said.

let me open the gift. I said.

Then jungkook give me the gift then I opened the gift and its a black hoddie.


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