Shu's Sports Day

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"Sorry. I couldn't make it today..." Zee scoffs a bit. He is talking to someone over a call.

"I'm sorry. I'll try my best next time..." he slowly apologizes to the caller. When he cuts the call and turns around, Pan is standing straight in front of him.

"You can leave if you want. I can make Shu understand..."

"Nope! I'm gonna stay. I won't turn my back against her," Zee leans against the car.

"Even if you need to wear... That?" Pan points her finger at Zee's t-shirt.

It's pink. Like a pink milk. It states ' THE PINK MILK SQUAD'.

"What's wrong with it?"

Pan sighs. She is lost for words, so she just brushes him aside and opens the boot.

"We're outside now, are we?" asks Zee.

"Are you blind or what? Of course we are, it's in the middle of a school," Pan replies. She pulls out something from the boot and shuts it close.

"So, who is Shu?"

Zee faces up to Pan and directly asks her. She looks flustered, with a slight panic revealed on her face.

"She calls me mama. What do you think?" Pan asks him back.

"So, you are an adopted mother or...?" asks Zee.

Pan comes closer to him, staring at his eyes in ferocious mode.

"It's none of your business..." Pan finally replies to him with the exact words that she wanna throw at him the first time he asked the question to her.

"You said, I can't ask anything if we're in your house. Now that we are outside, I believe I can ask as many questions as I want," 

"Shia! Just like two peas in a pod..." Pan gushes by herself.

"What did you say?" Zee leans even closer to Pan.

"Fuck off..." Pan pushes him away, slamming a small bag onto his abdomen.

Zee grunts in pain. He glances at Pan who is already ahead of him.

Don't you ever think of running away from me, Pan!

Zee gushes a bit before entering the field towards the Sports Day venue.


"Good morning, sir..." a lady, perhaps the one who is in charge of the registration greets Zee at the registration table. There is a group of ladies who are chatting around the area. Perhaps the mothers.

"Good morning..."

"Come to register?" the lady asks him again.

"I... Er..."

The lady glares at the t-shirt that he wears. Then, she slowly grins.

"Oh, you're the Pink Milk Squad!"

"Oh? Ah, yeah!" Zee grins like a fool.

"Oh... Who are you with Shu? Uncle? Brother?" the lady asks Zee. He frowns a bit and tries to find a suitable role for himself.

"Oh my God, what a fine man!" suddenly, he hears the group of ladies shriek. He looks around and notices that he is the only man in the area.

"He's from The Pink Milk Squad..."

"He's young! Must be the boyfriend!"

"There is no way he's the husband!"

"I heard, she is unmarried! Yet, she has a child. Shameless woman!"

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