Matter That Worrisome

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Pan glances at Shu. Right now, the girl is sitting next to Zee. They were talking to each other discreetly. Sometimes, the girl is glancing at her. Then, she continues talking to Zee again. Pan can see that Zee is trying to calm the girl from the bersk act just now. It was supposed to be her job as a mother, but right now, it seems like Shu prefers to be alone with Zee.

"Pan, lunch's ready," Mei whispers to Pan. She nods a bit, leaving those two alone at the dining table.

As Pan enters the kitchen, she grabs Mei on her wrist. Her friend turns around and halts.

"Something happened, isn't it?" asks Pan.

"I don't know what are you talking about, Pan..." Mei avoids her.

"All of a sudden, Zee and Shu suddenly get close. Since when?" Pan inquires Mei again. The girl lifts her shoulder.

Comes Sofia, with Win in her embrace. She looks at her two friends and frowns.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"I'm asking Mei if she's keeping something from me," Pan leans against the kitchen counter, crossing her arms and waiting for Mei to reason the matter with her.

"Are you?" Sofia asks Mei.

"Why are you guys stammering me? Is it a bit unfair?" Mei slowly losing her chill.

"I don't know. Does it sound unfair?"

"I know nothing about it. Besides, Zee is a nice guy. Anyone can like him just like that," says Mei.

"Hah, now you called him nice! Four years ago, you despised him, calling him a jerk. What now?" Pan presses Mei.

"What's with the overreaction, Pan?" Mei dodges Pan and steps away from her.

"My daughter is mad at me because I told her not to get close to Zee. How can I be cool about it?" Pan almost lost her patience. But, she controls her emotion, afraid that Zee might overhear the conversation.

"What's wrong with father/daughter bonding?"


Before things get worse, Sofia stops them from fighting.

"You two should stop before things get out of hand," Sofia tries to calm them down.

"I know you're keeping something from me!" Pan pricks Mei so she can spill the truth.

"Don't you think it's time for Shu to know the truth about Zee?" Mei asks Pan.

Pan backs off. She looks angry, but she doesn't utter a word. Maybe she's a bit confused, or worried. Everything seems a wreck for her.

"Shu is my daughter!"

"No one denies that. You're her mother. But, don't you think she'll keep the thoughts away forever? Sooner or later, she will find out," says Mei. She sits on the stool, holding a huge sigh. There is a strain of sadness coming from her face.

"I know..." Pan slowly speaks up. "But, not right now. I'm not ready yet. It's too early for me! I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose Shu to that jerk!"

"There is no way you will, Pan. Just look at how much Zee changed in the past 4 years," says Sofia. "Look at him now. He's a totally different person!" she continues.

"Your selfish thoughts create a gap between you and Shu. Sooner or later, she will raise a question, and if you still living in denial, she will hate you for sure!" Pan gasps in shock.

"Mei, that's too harsh!" Sofia smacks Mei's shoulder. Instead of backing off or feeling sorry, Mei resumes.

"If that is the best method to wake Pan up, I'm willing to take a risk!"

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now