The Signup Activity

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"Hello senior, can I have your signature?"

"Hello, we are the freshmen. Would you like to sign my book?"

"How many rounds should we do, senior?"

The rest area of the BBA building is flooded by freshmen who have been hunting for their seniors' signatures since the morning. Whoever holds the lucky star will successfully retrieve those signs in a breeze.

But still, some are not lucky.

Well... Some are even too lucky!

"Hello senior, my name is Han. Can I have your signature?" Han politely bows at a group of female seniors who hanging around the area. They whisper to each other, giggle, and snicker in front of him. He feels awkward, but this is the chance that he wouldn't miss!

"How many signs do you want, freshie?" asks one of them. Han frowns. He counts silently the number of seniors who are in front of him.

"I think... All of you?"

"He's cute!!" they shriek like a bunch of fangirls. One of them stands up. She fixes Han's collar and stares at him.

"We can give you the sign. But, you have to do something for us..." she whispers to his ear. Han feels uncomfortable by her gesture. Yet, he stands there with no objections.

"There's a party tonight. I want you to be there.." she slips a card into his pocket. Han blinks his eyes repeatedly.

"A party?" he asks.

"Yes. A birthday party,"

"Okay. But can I have the sign now? Cause it will be a hassle to bring a book to the party," he says. "I might lose it," he glares at the girl. She smirks as she takes the book from Han, scribbles her signature and softly places her lips on the paper. There is a lip stamp on the surface.

Han stares at her with a smile on his face. Quickly, he passes the book to others before he leaves the spot and meets Yara at the other side of the rest area.

"I swear to God, girls are getting weirder every day..." he says while leaning his body against the supporting pole of the shady awning on the sidewalk that connects the building with the cafe.

"I am a girl, and I am normal..."

"Hah, I'm laughing my ass off!"

"Don't curse in front of me!"

"Fine, MOM!" Han emphasizes the word mom. Yara glares at him and playfully smacks his shoulder.

"How many did you get?"

Yara passes the book to Han. He flips the pages.

"Wow, you got plenty!" Han feels impressed.

"I asked Senior Lau for help..."

"You sneaky brat! Using connection! Nepo!"

"She's willing to help. Besides, she's my mentor!" Yara grins. She makes a mocking face to Han. The boy scrunches his nose, looking green with envy.

"I wonder how's Pan doing?" suddenly Han feels worried about her.

"I think she's doing fabulous. Judging by her answers yesterday, she must be a 5-star freshman by now," says Yara.

"As much as you gain fans, you'll gain the haters as well..." Han kicks some little pebbles under his black shoes. He sighs as he looks uneasy and concerned.

"You look concerned.." Yara glares at Han. She slowly glares at him, giving a teasing smile as her pointy finger makes a circler in front of his face.

"You like Pandora!"

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now