Golden Closet

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Han stares at the man who sleeps silently on the bed. He brushes off strains of hair that cover the forehead, revealing a pure face that is stamped by bruises; mostly on the cheek. Not to mention the crack under the lips.

Lucky for Kim, there is no internal injury. No concussion, nothing. Only some bruises on his face. Several injuries on ribs and abs.

He is indeed lucky to survive those blows.

A small movement makes Han startled. He quickly reaches closer to Kim. The man opens his eyes slowly.

And the first thing that he sees is Han.

"Senior Kim..."

"Han?" Kim slowly wakes up from the bed, but his body feels sore and sting.

"Don't get up. Your injuries, they are quite severe," Han slowly lays Kim on the bed again. The man winces a lot, the pain somehow is unbearable to him.

Han softly carresses Kim's head. The man looks at him, eyes blinking in disbelief.

"I was gonna deliver snack to you. I try to call but it went straight into the voicemail. I felt uneasy, that's why I went upstair. And found you in this state," Han explains to Kim while pouring some water into the cup. He brings the cup closer to Kim's lip.

"Sips a bit, senior. You can't drink a lot for now. This is just to quench your thirst,"

"Thanks..." Kim slowly sips the water and relax. His eyes are still linger at Han. His mind wander around a bit.

"What time is it right now?"

"It's past midnight, senior..."

"What?! You should go home by now, ai kwaii! Why are you still here?!"

"Somebody has to take care of you..." Han fixes the blanket and tuck it properly. "Why, you want me to call your house and tell 'em?"


Kim's vigor reaction makes Han devastated.


Kim turns his head and face Han.

"Whose girl did you knock up this time? The doctor said, these traumas are from severe punches and kicks. You got beaten because of a girl, right?"Han glances at Kim. His face turns serious and tense.

Kim fidgets. His fingers rub against each other, nails scratching nails, releases a nick nack sound that annoys the air.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore. You never gonna stop, don't you?" Han asks. His voice rattles inside.

Instead of giving a response to Han, Kim shuts himself. He keeps his head down, ignoring Han's deep gaze.

"I think I don't love you enough for you to stop messing up with girls. I think I am not enough for you, isn't it, senior? That's why, you'll keep chasing those bitches and put yourself in trouble," tears slowly flow down to Han's cheek.


"I know it's crazy to love a man. But, at least you're not a fool that can't decide who's gonna be by your side! Why are you put yourself in danger when you can stay safe with me by your side, Senior Kim? Tell me, which part is wrong for you to love me?! Because I am a man?"

"Because you're a man, that fact alone is hard enough for me to digest, Han! I never love a man before. And, I don't even know myself anymore ever since the one-night stand! Sometimes, I feel, this is right. But, then, I feel this is wrong," Kim's voice stuck on his throat when he sobs hard.

"I'm scare of this new feeling. I'm scare to learn, after all this year, I am not what I am. I slept around like a dog, in hopes that maybe the confusion is just momentarily. But... I can't... I can't..."

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now