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Ta is taking a peek between the slit of his tinted window. He purposely parked his car behind a high wall, not too far from the building in front of him.

"Did you see him coming from here?" Bear asks. Ta shakes his head a bit. He's still watching the view from that small slit.

"Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yes. 100%. This building is one of a kind. Of course, it will be stamped in my memory," says Ta.

"But, what was he doing at this kindergarten? Does he own it?" Bear frowns.

"I don't know. His family did own some businesses, but mainly real estate and properties. This is somehow out of their league," says Ta.

They keep peeking and stalking inside the car. Until, a lady walks out from the building.

"That's her!"

"Her... Who?" asks Bear. He frowns as he gives Ta a sharp, deep glare. Ta unbothered answering him. Instead, he opens the car door and jump out from the car.

"Ter! Ai hia Ta!" Bear curses under his breathe before leaving the car as well.


Zee walks at ease along the sidewalk towards the BBA building. The faculty building is just next to the Faculty of Economy.

Between these two faculties, there is a coffee shop. A famous place for hangout or dating spot for both of the faculties' students.

Even as a senior, not even once Zee ever enter the coffee shop. He rather eats at the BBA cafe, or if he wants coffee, he will buy it outside, especially when he has to work.

That's when he stops walking. Staring at the coffee shop for a while. Suddenly remembers his last therapy session.


"Is it because you'll graduate soon?" the therapist asked. Zee frowned, staring at the ceiling while leisurely laid on the black leather sofa.

"I don't know. It's my ultimate goal. So, I don't think that's the problem," he replied to the man.

"Doing the same thing everyday sometimes can lead you to a static life. So, it might be the reason why you feel bored. Especially, if the routine gives you pressure; like study," the man scribbled something on a piece of paper that clipped on the black file.

"What's your recommendation?" Zee asks.

"Maybe you can try something new. Go see sighting. No need to be too far. Somewhere near will do. Somewhere that you never visit before," says the therapist.


"Welcome to The Nest. Dine-in or takeaway?"

Zee startled a bit when a man, wearing a bear's ears headpiece greets him at the entrance. Slowly, he draws a smile on his face while his eyes linger around the cafe.

That's when he notices someone he's familiar with.

His brows entwine.


Ta takes a sneak peek behind the wall. Watching the woman bids goodbye to a bunch of kids who run pass through the main gate. Three mini vans with tigers stripes are waiting for them. One by one, those little angels hop in and slowly, the van drives away from the permise.

The woman waves her hand. A girl, quite small, looks cute in half pony tail is walking calmly towards her. She smiles as she grabs the woman's hand with her small fingers.


Ta wags his hand up and down. Bear grits his teeth, surpresses the anger boiling inside. He rolls his shirt's sleeves, ready to throw a punch.

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now