Useful Past

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"That's it. Last round..."

Pan panted hard. Yet, her hand still dribbled the ball. She took a deep breath and was ready to charge forward. Zee was waiting at the D area with a smirk on his face.

Her legs moved fast. With just two or three stomps, she was already in the half circle. Zee didn't make an easy way for her. He put the tight guard, blocking her way to the loop. Pan turned her body, with her back facing his body. She tried to find a hole to escape.

She had no choice but to turn around and jump.

"3 point shoot! Nice!" Zee cheered for her. She smiled as she hugged him tight.

"Tired?" he asked her.

Pan nodded. She still hung her hand on his shoulder. The man spun his body and grabbed her waist tight.

"Why do I need this practice anyway?" she whined while pouting her lips. Zee chuckled before he planted a kiss on the lips.

"Any skill comes in handy..."

"Hold on. Basketball? Are you sure, sir?"

"For me, any skills will have benefits in the future. Sports, sewing, cooking even tying a shoelace..." he glared at Pan. "That is something that I can't do, but it's fine since I only wear slips on," Pan gave Zee a snarky look. He lifted her a bit before putting her down on her feet.

"How about flirting skills?"

Zee halted a bit. He winched his nose.

"Hmm... You don't need that..."

"Why tho? It's important for self-esteem!"

"No. You don't have to. I can always flirt with you," Zee replies.

"You said, all skills are useful. I mean, flirting is not only for love. It can be used to draw people's attention-"

"You don't need that," Pan shut her lips when she realized that Zee's gaze turned darker. One more word and the air will turn ugly.

"Pan, only look at me. No one else. Understand?"

Pan slowly nodded. Zee held a sigh while grabbing her into a tight embrace. He loved this girl so much. He had been through a lot to be with her. He didn't wanna lose her.

So, anyone who wishes to get closer to her will face him and hell!


Zee looks down. His body still leaning against the lamp pole. The heavy feeling inside him stirs like a wind whirl. Slowly, his head lifts, eyes watching the sight in front of him.

From afar, he can see the book has been passed back to the owner. That marks the defeat of the most notorious second-year BBA student. Out of so many freshmen, Pan successfully retrieves his signature.

Aye Yi is not some ordinary male student of BBA. The memory of him standing up against the seniors during the orientation when he was just a freshman still lingers in Zee's mind. The boy never bothers to be kind to others, except people in his circle. He has a very remote lifestyle, spending most of his time studying and playing basketball with his best friend from Engineering, Top.

He has no friends in his course. He did hang out with some, but only with people who were on the same page as him. Yet, he builds a wall around them. The only person that he trusts is Top. He is unlike Cray, who is the Economy Moon. He hates the idea of popularity, although he knows his name is well-known among others.

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