The Truth About Miss Decent Girl, Yara

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"Miss... Lunch is ready..."

Yara turns her head and stares the door. She held a huge sigh before dragging her legs down from the bed and walking towards the door.

She opens the door politely. The maid smiles at her.

"Cè Do..."

"Lunch is ready, Miss..."

"Is Mom and Dad joining us today?" Yara asks. Cè Do shakes her head.

"Ma'am is still in Korat. Sir has a meeting."

Yara looks bitter. Although, she feels relief to know that both of them were absent when she came back this morning.

"Is... Kluen... Still...?"

"Yes, Miss. Mr. Kluen is downstairs, waiting for you..."

Yara's heart sinks deep.

"Miss... Don't let Mr. Kluen wait. It's not like every day he comes home. He is eagerly waiting for you," Cè Do softly persuades Yara.

Yara grips the door tight. She feels reluctant a bit.

"Fine. Give me a second..." says Yara. Cè Do smiles before leaving Yara, standing alone in front of the door.


Slowly descending the stairs, Yara could see from afar, that a figure is waiting for her at the dining table. She walks towards him with a heavy heart.

"Sorry to keep you waiting..."

"It's fine. Cè just finished serving the food," Yara takes a seat at the right side of the table.

"Still hangover?" the man asks. His pair of clear hazel eyes are staring at Yara. She shakes her head in tiny. The man stretches his hand and tries to touch Yara's forehead but she dodges him.

"I'm fine..."

"You look kinda lost when I pick you up this morning," says Kluen. He stares at Yara, full of concern.

"I was drowsy and drunk," Yara replies to him in short. She takes the rice bowl and serves Kluen some rice. Then, she put some into her plate.

"Eat more. You look too skinny..."

"I'm not hungry,"

"Should I ask Cè to make a roselle juice for you?" asks Kluen.

"Phi... I'm fine... Just eat,"

Kluen shuts himself. He nods before serving some more food on Yara's plate. She feels annoyed but she doesn't reject the food. She eats them slowly. Watching Yara eat well, Kluen finally digs in as well.

The dining table falls into a deep silence. The air feels awkward although the space between Kluen and Yara is only a few inches apart. Both of them eat, acting carefully within each other's presence.

The lunch is done when Cè Do serves them a pot of warm tea. As per request by Kluen, Yara has a glass of cold roselle juice to cure her hangover, although she's not feeling it anymore.

Kluen watches Yara sipping the juice slowly. He balls his fist a bit. The determination is stacking into him.

He wants to know what happened to her.

"Where have you been last night?"

"A party," Yara replies in short.

"A frat party?" Kluen asks her again.

"Birthday party," again, Yara replies to him in short.

"A birthday party at the men's dormitory?" Kluen starts to feel pricked.

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