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Han stares at the figure. He lays so cozy in his bed; warm duvet, a thick but fluffy pillow, and a good amount of temperature. Not too hot, yet not too cold.

Everything's perfect for a sleepover.

Usually, he can only stare at this man from the small gap of his peaky blinder at his hostel. What a coincidence, they live in the same hostel building. More coincidentally, at the same level. Facing each other's balcony.

Talking about destiny, that perhaps is laughing at them.

"You're slutty, but I don't why I like you. Maybe, I see things that people don't see much in you," Han whispers at him.


Registration Day.

He walked casually towards the campus as his house is just miles away. Even if his mother insisted on dropping him at the BBA building, he refused the offer. His mother's position as the dean will make people misjudge him. It happens often. Ever since high school, he already felt the pressure.

Plus, he hates the attraction.

As he walked past the junction, he saw two men; probably a bit older than him, facing an old lady. Han suddenly stopped walking. He looked at them.

"I don't have money... Please just let me go!"

"You useless old bitch! Just give me the money!" one of the men pulled out the old lady's purse. One of them pushed the lady down. The old lady cried in pain when her body slammed onto the asphalt road.

Out of the blue, a man came from the other direction. He levitated on the air a bit before landing a good old-fashioned Brazilian kick, straight away onto the thug's head. He felt down, almost unbalanced.

"Ai sutt! What the heck are you doing?!"

"Let me ask you, are you a pussy?" the man smirked at these two thug.

"Shia! How dare you call us that!"

"Only pussy beats a woman. Plus, the elderly some more. So, you are even worst than scum!"

"Stay away from this, you fucking bastard! She is my grandma! I can do whatever I want to her!" one of the thugs grabbed him by the collar.

"Let me tell you something..." The man grabbed the hand, and twisted it in the other direction, making the thug yelp in pain. "I hate skinship, especially from a dirty hand hia like you!" he twisted the hand even further, before kicking the thug's butt away from him.

After he was satisfied with his lesson towards these two hia thugs, he slowly bent down and helped the old lady. But, little that he know, the thug was holding a knife. He slowly approached him, with a bad intention to stab him.

Luckily, Han was faster than the thug.

"Seriously? You're lame, bro! How could you play dirty?!" asked Han. He locked the thug's hand at his back, and smacked the back of the thug, making him drop onto the road, motionless. The other thug was already unconscious.

"They're dead?" asked the lady.

"Nope. Just passed out..." Han quickly approached the lady and the man.

"Thanks..." the man smiled at him.

"No prob," Han replied in short.

"Are you okay?" asked the man to the old woman. She nodded in tiny.

"Going somewhere?" he asked her again.

"I wanna go home..." the old lady said.

"Are you living alone?"

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now