Miss Bunny, Miss Scammer and Daddy Zee

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Shu puts her shoes on the shoe rack. Slowly, she walks to the living hall and lays herself on the sofa.

"Do you want your lunch or shower first?" asks Mei. Shu refuses to response, instead, she looks up, staring at the spinning fan.

"Shu..." Mei turns her head and looks at the girl. She can see her pouty lips stick out from her face.

"Honey..." Mei gently taps Shu's lap. The girl gazes at her.

"Are you okay?" Mei asks.

"I'm okay... It's just..."

Mei waits patiently. With Shu, she has to use a soft approach. Shu might look savage and chic, but the girl has a soft heart and is sensitive.

"I miss Mama..." Shu's voice is almost inaudible. Her head drops down.

"You wanna call her?" Mei asks Shu with a bright face.

"She's probably busy..."

"Lemme text me and ask. If she's free, we can call her. Okay?"

Shu nods. She slowly drew a smile on her face.

"For now, keep your bags in your room, take a shower, and let's have lunch, okay?" says Mei. Shu hops down from the chair and drags her bag into her room.


Pan strolls the aisle at the library. She checks the line of books one by one.

"Here you are, Miss Scammer..."

She jumps scared when Kim appears out of nowhere.

"Senior Kim..."

"So, you give me a wrong number,"

Pan flashes a cute grin.

"How's the host?"

"Super friendly, I think. But, he's not what I want," Kim tilts his head. He has been holding his anger for almost a day. Now that Pan is here, right in front of him, he has no intention to let her go.

"Great. He'll be a great companion, believe me," Pan replies with no guilty feelings.

"What should I do to make you surrender to me, Pan?" suddenly Kim's eyes are getting dark. He just had enough of Pan's rejection. By hook or crook, he will get this girl!

But, for Pan, Kim is just another childish boy who loves attention. She bet for her life that this is not the first time he's done this.

And she's not the first girl as well.

"I think you should just give up," Pan gives him good advice.

"You know that I won't..."

"Believe me, you will..."

Before Kim could justify his point, a girl struck her with a book on his head.

"You son of a bi-!"

"Ouch! Hey!" he turns around, looking at the girl who stares at him in fury.

"Who do you think I am, huh?! How dare you nail and bail me!"

"Tania, don't make a scene here... Let's talk outside..."

"It's Tasya!"

"Tania, Tasya... Whatever!"

Pan giggles as she quietly leaves the two amid their bickering.

"Pan! Wait!"

"Good luck with that, Senior Kim..." she dashes as soon as she sees a room to escape. She immediately checks out some books, walks towards the locker room, grabs her backpack from the locker, and runs outside.

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now