A Meet

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Pan parks her bike carefully under her dorm building. Today is tiring, well... Like every day is not tiring enough!

"I'm not even 30 yet, not even 25... But why is my body aching like a granny...?" Pan sighs, dragging her legs towards the entrance. She swings open the door but halts midway when she feels somehow uneasy.

From the spot where she stands, she can feel someone is watching her.

Or, at least there is the presence of another human around the block.

Are you sure it's a human, Pan? She asks herself. Her eyes glare at her watch.

It's midnight.

That's eerie...

Pan turns back and plants her back onto the wall. Walking slowly, almost inaudible footsteps toward the spot where she puts a suspicion. She balls her fist tight. If it's a human, she is ready to throw her punch.

If it's not a human... Well, let's just assume it is a human!

Not that... No way!

Pan frowns. Seems like her theory might be correct. Her nose crinkles as she sniffs the familiar scent. She drops her gaze, making her eyes droopy and hoody.


Just about a meter apart.

If she puts more speed, her knuckle will poke that face, and a major catastrophe will happen. Luckily for the other party, the reflected action is not estranged.

"That punch still feels heavy," says Zee. Pan pulls her hand away from his hand that blocks the punch. She fixes her shirt while scowling at him.

"What are you doing here at this hour? You know this is a restricted area..." she points the signboard at the entrance.


"That doesn't apply to me. I am a man," Zee subtly answers the question.

"Your joke is not even a joke," Pan replies him back casually. She stares at him, in between the urge to smack his head so he can tone down his sarcasm, or punch Zee on the face so he can wake up to the reality.


"Too late. I can alarm the guard if I want to. So, please answer the question wisely," she slams the wall, caging Zee between her hands. Because she's quite short, she has to tip-toeing a bit to match her sight with Zee.

Zee smirks, watching the difficulty of that short girl who tries to intimidate him. He pokes his finger onto her forehead and shoves her away from him.

Just like that.

"I'm here to meet you. Here,"

Pan frowns. Zee is giving her a brown paper bag. She checks the content.

There are some clothes; hoodies and T-shirts. There is also a pair of sneakers.

"They are for Shu," he says.

"Did you buy these for her? You shouldn't-"

"They belong to Ylang. I don't think she wanna wear those," Pan stares at Zee.

"Did she know?"

"She knows,"

"And she didn't ask anything?" Pan feels anxious.

"Don't worry. I told her it was for a university donation. I did work hard for that shoe, you know. It's not easy to convince her to let go of that."

Zee points his finger at the sneakers. Pan stares at it with a heavy heart.

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now