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Yara tosses her phone into the bag and sighs. Her face looks gloomy. She takes a deep breath while looking for a seat to ease herself.

She clenches her fingers at the hard wood bench, hard. The emptiness inside is taking control over her. She feels somehow discarded. Alone.

Maybe she was born to be alone.

Quickly, Yara grasps herself and musters all of her courage. There is no room to be weak! She has to move forward. Alone or not, this is a matter of her future. No reason to go back off from here.

Life goes on. So did she.


"Feel free to ask anything from our assistant," the salesgirl hands Yara a small basket. Yara nods, as she enters the shop in light feet. Strolling alone along the aisle of the shop, looking for things that she wants to use for her booth project.

She endorsed a jewellery shop for her entrepreneurial project. That will be her product for the booth project soon. She's not a newbie in this, so it seems easy for her.

Because her mother used to be a jewellery designer.

Yara can still remember how she spent her childhood at the jewellery workshop, watching her mother make every masterpiece along with her workers. Sometimes, they lasted until midnight at the shop. Her mother taught her how to work with some tools; sometimes she will ask Yara to be a judging panel for her latest collection, too.

Because according to her mother, Yara has an eye for that.

That life is the life that Yara missed so much. It's a simple life without so much complexity in it. If it wasn't for her illness that took her life, maybe Yara is on a different side of the world, assembling chains of bracelet design by her mother.

"Are you gonna buy that?"

A voice from behind makes Yara jumpy. She turns around only to see Aye Yi smiling at her. She frowns as she puts the trinket back into the shelf.

"What are you doing here?"

"Following you, of course!"

"Why? I made a room so you can spend alone time with Pan!" Yara shrieks. Aye Yi draws a straight line with his lips.

"I'm being a fair judge. Now, it's your turn..." Aye Yi subtly answers while his fingers linger at the pendant shelf.

"What?" Yara snatches a love pendant that Aye Yi held. She gives him a sharp, intense look.

"Stop goofing around, Aye! You're the one who asking for my help. I did help you A LOT! Now, you're talking about being fair and square? Are you drunk?" Yara asks.

Instead of answering her, Aye Yi sneers, tilting his head, leading closer to her. Yara's eyes are getting larger and wider. She pushes Aye with her not-so energetic push, too weak to chase a wild, hungry coyote like Aye Yi.

"You hate it?"

"Stop playing around, Aye Yi!"

"Did you suggest that I'm toying with your heart? You look so mad right now..."


"Why do I feel like coaxing my sulking girlfriend?"

"Shut up! I am not your girlfriend!"

"Is there anything that we can help?"

The sudden arrival of the shop assistant makes them jumpy on the scene. Yara was about to tell something to the shop assistant, but Aye Yi quickly puts his heavy hand onto her shoulder and gives her a side hug.

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now