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"Cray, would you mind sending me home tonight?" Min asks, wrapping her arms around Cray's waist and pouting like a baby.

"Sorry, but we live in different directions. You should ask Ha," Cray replies gently, pushing her hand away. Min frowns and stomps her foot.

"You used to send me home before! It's not that far from your house anyway!"

"I'm going back to my parents tonight."

"Ah... Send me home, naaa...."

"Ha," Cray calls out to his friend. Ha walks over quickly.

"Send Min home. I've got to go now."

"Cray! How dare you ditch me like this!" Min's sharp voice pierces through the room. Cray can only grin and shake his head.

"Come on, I'll send you home," Ha says.

"I don't want to!"

"Then you can sleep here..." Ha cross his arms and gave Min a stern look. She glared back at him, her expression fierce.

"Fine! Send me home! Now!"

"That's more like it," Ha says, pulling out his car keys and whistling as he walks to his car. Min follows him reluctantly, full of dissatisfaction.

"That damn Cray has been giving me the cold shoulder lately! Do you have any idea why?" Min asks once they were in the car. Ha starts the engine and adjusts the side mirror.

"Ha, I'm talking to you!"

"What do you want me to say? You already know the reason."

"It was just a joke, okay! I never meant it!"

"Telling his parents that you're his girlfriend is not a good joke, Min. I know you like Cray a lot, but this is serious. His parents are strict, and you know that. Yet, you still chose to play with fire?"

"I am his girlfriend!"

"You're a girl who happens to be his friend, Min. Don't delude yourself just because he treats you well. Cray treats everyone equally; that's how he was raised. So please, stop making stupid remarks, or you can kiss your ass goodbye," Ha warns subtly. He shifts the car into drive and pulls away from the food court.


Cray carefully navigates his car out of the food court parking lot, heading towards the exit after seeing Ha's car leave the premises. As he rounds a soft corner, he notices a group of people gathered in the parking lot.

The crowd caught his attention.

"Hey..." Cray calls out, rolling down his window. The group turns to look at him immediately.


"Pan, what happened?" he asks.

Pan, looking visibly upset, refuses to answer. Zee and Aye Yi seem to be locked in a silent stare-down.

"Cray, can you give us a lift?" Pan suddenly asks.

"Ai Pan!" Aye Yi shriek, her expression one of exasperation.

"Sure! We're heading in the same direction anyway," Cray says with a smile. Without waiting any longer, Pan grabs Yara's hand and pulls her towards the car.

"Pan..." Zee calls out, trying to stop her.

"Go home, Zee..." Pan glares at him before getting into the car. Cray glances at Zee and Aye Yi, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"Where to, madam?" he asks Pan in a playful tone.

"Boarding," Pan replies shortly. In the back seat, Yara could only watch the two men standing there, the air between them tense.

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now