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"Where did you get my number?" asks Yara. Aye Yi smiles widely. He shows Yara the list in his hand.

"Abusing the power. Why am I not surprise?"

"You seem to have a duality, you know?"

Yara's brows almost entwine.

"I don't know what are you talking about..."

"You acted so gentle in front of Pan. And a bit childish. But, when we are alone, you're icy cold. Even your voice changed," Aye Yi points out every details that he extract from his observation.

"Look, I am who I am, with who I was. If I choose to be savage, I'll be one. There is no reason why I have to be nice to you, just because you're my mentor," Yara replies.

Aye Yi flashes his grin. He leans closer to Yara.

"Oh, you have no idea the whole reason why you should be nice to me..." Aye Yi moves even more closer to her. "We did slept together, you know..."

Yara feels the fume sips into her body. She swings her hand for a hard slap but Aye Yi manages to grab her hand before that soft palm touches his cheek.

"You son of a bitch!"

"Call me whatever you want. I guess you never care about your image anymore. Imagine, what if Pan knows about the hot night between-"

"Tell me what do you want!"

Aye Yi smirks.

"As long as whatever happened between us that night, stays under radar..." Yara warns Aye Yi.

"Fine then. Let me get this straight. I like Pan,"


"Yeah. I like Pan. I want you to help me getting close to Pan. Create any scenarios, as long as I can get closer to her," says Aye Yi.

"If that's the case, get in line, sir..."


"There's a lot of men who like her. I can name them one by one. Everyone is a hardcore contender. A trouble maker like you won't stand a chance," Yara lifts her shoulder, looking at Aye Yi with her cynical look.

"But, they don't have something, unlike me.."

"If you talk about money, just save it!"


"Then?" asks Yara.

"I have you to help me,"

Yara glares at Aye Yi. This annoying dude really messing with her.

"More like a slave, I think..."

"Well, if you wish to share the rendezvous adventure between us...."

"Fine! I'll help you!"

Aye Yi smiles with satisfaction. Finally, a person who is willingly to help. Well, not technically volunteer to help, but at least he is close to his true intention.

"Great! I'll text you from time to time. Be prepare, okay?" says Aye Yi.

Yara stomps her feet a little, watching Aye Yi slowly disappear in the dark. Her guts churn a bit just now, almost causing her to throw up a bit. Inside, she prays silently that no one will ever find out that the man who slept with her that night was Aye Yi.

Finger cross.


Zee stares at the picture in the book that he holds. His fingertip brushes the surface that seems a little bit old. Then, he reads the paragraphs on the paper behind the picture.

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now