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Scene opens up in a Temple where Megumi was dodging Arrows infused with cursed energy that were tracking him.

Megumi then jumped on the scaffolding before dodging more arrows from Kamo as he jumped down the stairs and deflected a few arrows away with his tonfas, his Shikigami toads caught the final arrows before they could hit him

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Megumi then jumped on the scaffolding before dodging more arrows from Kamo as he jumped down the stairs and deflected a few arrows away with his tonfas, his Shikigami toads caught the final arrows before they could hit him. Megumi noticed a little blood on one of the arrowheads.

Megumi: [ There's a bit of blood on the arrowhead. Kamo's technique must be why their paths can ignore physics.]

Noritoshi: You can call more than one type of Shikigami at a time, right? Can't say I appreciate you holding out on me. 

Megumi: [ My Demon Dog's busy with its task.] What about you? You're on your last arrow, aren't you? No one's helping you if you pass out from anemia. 

Noritoshi: Don't worry about that. These are all arrows I prepared ahead of time. 

Noritoshi surprisingly uses his last arrow to destroy the roof, confusing Megumi. Just as the debris blocks Megumi's vision, Noritoshi suddenly rushes at him and attacks with a powerful right hook. Thankfully, Megumi is able to block it with his tonfa, but he's taken off guard by Noritoshi's strength.

Megumi: [ He has that much power?]

Noritoshi: Nice reaction. *opens one eye and activates Flowing Red Scale* But stay alert. 

Then in an inhuman burst of speed, Noritoshi appears next to Megumi and follows up with a left hook that breaks Megumi's Tonfa and sends him reeling into the wall due to the insane strength enhancement of flowing red scale.

Megumi: [ I was too slow to defend with cursed energy? With this much speed and power, it's like he's a different person now!] 

Noritoshi: Manipulating blood isn't limited to its shape and motion. Body temperature, pulse, red blood cells, and all other components of blood are mine to freely control. Flowing Red Scale!

Megumi immediately gets up after hearing that before he says.

Megumi: You're doping!

Noritoshi: Very astute. But I wish you wouldn't use such a layman's term for it. 




Scene shifts to the woods where Miwa is and she was still stunned by Maki taking her sword.

Miwa: [ My sword was taken away from me. Mai's older sister ran off somewhere. That woman was fast, too. Well, I'm not much of an asset without my sword, so that was the right call. I wonder if Tapioca's as good as they say.] 

She suddenly gets a phone call from Mechamaru before she picks up her phone and answers.

Miwa: Hello, Useless Miwa here.

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