For myself

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3rd POV

Megumi makes a hand sign to summon another Shikigami as Black smoke surrounds him.

Megumi: under Jujutsu Regulation, Naruto Uzumaki, by law I will now exorcise you as a Curse!

Naruto: Whoa! Whoa! Chill! It's me!. Besides you and I look like hell, shouldn't we see a doctor or something?

Naruto puts his hands up as the Black markings on his body disappear.

Megumi: [ I can't tell if this is Uzumaki speaking or the Cursed object. Damn it, what do I do now?]

Gojo: What's the situation?

Megumi stops before he looks to his left to see.

Megumi stops before he looks to his left to see

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Megumi: Satoru Gojo? What are you doing here?

Gojo: hey, I wasn't planning on showing up. But you got kind of roughed up, kid. I'll show the second years, say cheese.

Gojo pulls out his phone and takes a lot of pictures of Megumi while Naruto watches with a confused face.

Gojo pulls out his phone and takes a lot of pictures of Megumi while Naruto watches with a confused face

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Gojo: I got an earful from the Higher-ups cause this Special-grade Cursed object still missing. Thought I do a little sight seeing and stop by. So did you find it yet?

Naruto: Uhm, Sorry. But I ate that thing.

Gojo: Really?

Naruto & Megumi: He/I did. 

Gojo puts his phone away before he walks over to Naruto and stares at him intently, He then laughs and gets close to Naruto's face before he steps back.

Gojo: Damn, it really did combine with you. That's hilarious. Anything weird about your body?

Naruto: No, it's pretty much the same. 

Gojo: can you swap with Sukuna at will?

Naruto: Sukuna?

Gojo: yeah, the curse you ate.

Jujustu Kaisen: the Cursed Child Of ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now