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After Nanami increased his cursed energy output and stated that he's going into "Overtime".

Mahito: [ Overtime? A time-based pact! He was limiting his own cursed energy this whole time?!] Fun!

Mahito jumps off the railing and lands in front of Nanami who explains.

Nanami: My cursed technique draws a line along the target and, using a ratio of 7:3, creates a weak point at that location. I can create this line along more than just their full height and wingspan. I can designate it along various parts, such as the head, upper arm, forearm, and so on. This cursed technique can affect more than just living creatures, as well. 

Mahito: [ He's revealing his technique?] you're serious, huh? 

Mahito licks his lips before Nanami rushes forward transferring all the cursed energy into his arm as Mahito chases after him.

Mahito: Playing tag again?

Nanami: [ At present, the first way I can see to exorcise this cursed spirit is to continue damaging him until he runs out of cursed energy. However, that's not very realistic for me. The second way is reduce him to smithereens with a single blow.] 

Nanami then jumps towards the wall before punching it with all the cursed energy in his fist making it collapse.

Nanami: Ratio Technique: Collapse!

Mahito watches in awe as he thinks to himself.

Mahito: [ What power! No, more importantly, cursed energy raced through it? No way! It's an expanded technique that imbues the destroyed target with cursed energy! It's a wide range attack that puts him at risk, too. So I guess... I should dodge this one.] 

Then suddenly before Mahito could do anything, Nanami had instantly used Ratio cut his leg off.

Then suddenly before Mahito could do anything, Nanami had instantly used Ratio cut his leg off

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Nanami: I'm retreating for now.

Mahito falls on the ground while Nanami stands next to him as he cleans the blood off his cursed tool.

Nanami: You should get that leg healed quickly. If We both manage to survive, let's meet again.

He walks away leaving Mahito there as the debris from the collapsed wall fall on top of him crushing him. Scene shifts to Naruto and Junpei who sitting by a river just chilling and chatting, but suddenly Naruto felt the ground shake a little.

Naruto: Whoa, did the ground just shake? 

Junpei: Yeah, it did. Intensity 2 or so? 

Naruto was holding the fly head curse while trying to call Ijichi, but he didn't pick up making the blonde groan in annoyance.

Naruto: Damn, Ijichi isn't picking up. Should I really be the one asking this? [ is it really okay to just go and straight up ask him about this? What if I end up revealing too much about Jujutsu high.]  Tsk! What the hell is he doing? 

Jujustu Kaisen: the Cursed Child Of ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now