Book 2: Dull Knife and Getting it back in blood...

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Okay Y'all another side character chapter because this is crucial to this entire arc in the story so just roll with me here, but after this Y'all will get the best fight in this book also I'm skipping the Mei Mei parts for this, I genuinely don't care about that groomer. Also due to this book reaching 5K I'm going to change the thumbnail soon...

Also hopefully I can find the energy to actually finish the chapter for the HxH book...






                                                                     -Leave a vote and Enjoy ❤️-

With the reanimated Toji Fushiguro now being brought into the mix, the situation in Shibuya had only gotten worse by the second. But Naruto and Megumi were completely unaware of his presence due to his lack of cursed energy and more solely because they were worried about their injured friend.

Naruto: Is he alright?

Megumi: He's not alright... but he's not dead.

Naruto grits his teeth before his eyes turn red and the cursed mark appeared on the side of his head, activating from Naruto's anger which had only grown higher and influenced by the cursed mark since he came to Shibuya. 

Naruto: I'm going to kill them!

Megumi's eyes widened after he heard that since he's never seen Naruto this angry before or in general for that matter... but he simply brushes it off.

Megumi: Loser! snap out of it! I know how you feel, but calm down! What's our highest priority right now? 

Naruto: Gojo-sensei... 

Megumi: The veil was lifted. The people at the top might be have escaped already anyway. I'll take Ino-san with me and head outside the veil for a bit. 

Naruto looks back at Megumi before he took a deep breath as his eyes changed back to normal and the cursed mark faded away. Naruto then slowly turned towards the direction of the Hikarie building or most accurately Gojo as he clenched his fist, seemingly coming to a decision that would normally be suicidal...

Naruto: Take care of him. I'm going to the train station and ending this once and for all. 

Megumi: [ That's right. That's the best course. Thought operating alone in Shibuya isn't... ] Alright, But...

Naruto: If I die, you'll kill me, right? Don't worry! I got Mechamaru with me! [ But I haven't heard any responses from Mechamaru for a while now.. ]

Megumi: So long as you understand. See you later, Loser and stay alive.

Naruto nods as Megumi runs off with Nue that was carrying an unconscious Ino. Naruto simply runs off towards the train station before he's stopped by dozens of transfigured humans that seemed to be waiting just for him. Naruto growls as his eyes then narrow and turn red along with the cursed mark appearing again.

Naruto: I don't have time for you.

Naruto's claws then grow out before they covered in the dark flame like cursed energy, he then rushes forward and slices one of the transfigured humans apart before he rushed towards the others while roaring in an anger and fury, but inside his mind, those same words continued repeating over and over like a broken record, but it seemed to only enrage Naruto even further...

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