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Eventually, you arrive at Furin.

The wind blew the plants that stuck on the wall school, following with the white flower that you can easily spot out from the green plants. You took it between your fingers, and pull it gently.

As you stare at it, it remind you of someone. Someone who's gentle, someone who's willing to help, someone who open a path for you.. that someone is..

"Guess who?~" two palms covered your eyes, making your trail of mind cut in half. His palm were soft like a petal flowers. Even he smells like one. You smiled, feeling his rough hand as you pulled down his hands from your eyes and look behind you.

The shadow loomed over you, but this shadow is more different than the others. It's warm. "Umemiya-kun." You whisper, with a soft smile. Umemiya shoot you a grinned smile, the ones that he always gives to other people.

"Welcome to Furin, (name)-chan."

The same hand that covered your eyes went decided to pat his palm to your head, brushing your neatly hair into a slightly mess one, "jeez, it took you 2 years to get here!"

"Hmph, it's not easy to have a mom from southeast ya know." You said, spitting out your tongue at him, "besides, i get to learn new everyday slangs there! That means i can curse in Japanese, English, and Javanese!" Your face had this smug smile plastered, and Umemiya only laugh at it.

Oh how you miss this moments.


"So.. you're gonna start as a first-year then?" Hiragi said, sitting on the chair while his legs crossed over to the side. Yours were on top of the stool and your chin were sitting on your bent knees.

"Of course. After graduating middle school, i temporarily live in Indonesia for about 2 years with my mom. It also means i miss my 2 years worth of highschool and have to repeat." You said, sighing, "do you know how embarassing it is to be 2 years older than your own classmates?!" You jumped out from your seat, dramatically being angry.

"Not at all." You sat back on your chair as Hiragi said that. "It just irritate me that you're still the same as ever." He said, crossing his arm. You just giggle, "aww, i never knew you missed me, Hiragi~" you tease him, rotating your index finger as it pointed at him.

"Hell yeah i am, damnit! You're out of town for 2 years! Like i forget about your dumb face!" Hiragi yelled as you just shoot him a silly wink face with your tongue out to the side. It's fun to see Hiragi this worry because of you, you think.

Hiragi only sighs, "how's your mom anyway?" As he said that, your face turn into a non-pleased one as you leaned your back on the chair. Hiragi noticed this, and spoke, "she didn't take it lightly, did she?" He assumed.

"Yeah." You slightly pouted as you slouched on your seat with your head tilted down, force to look down at the dirty floorboard. "It's really exhausting to hear her complain every week, or supposedly days. That's why i always left the house." Your tone becoming sadder than before.

You look at Hiragi, who stared at you so intensely. It's kinda funny though. You chuckled out of awkwardness. "You probably think i'm very stupid to leave my mother on hold, right?"

Hiragi didn't spoke. Instead, he stood up from his seat, and placed his hand on top of your head, "you know i'm not the type to judge your life." He said. You only smiled. He always acted like that.

"Heh, i noticed how you look like you're wearing skinny jeans." You said, trying lighten up the mood, but Hiragi decided to punch your head instead of being goody shoes like he is. Your head formed a bump.

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