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"Tch, what gives?! We just got in the classroom."

Everybody is now outside the school. You take the new breezy air outside, exhaling the carbon dioxide inside you as you walk more early than the others who seems to stand under the shadow.

"Hiragii~" you called out, his phone on his hand. You didn't bother to hear Enomata's yaps and how he rolls his R so long to the first-years. It bothers you how he did that so easily..

Anyway, now you're standing infront of Hiragi. "Counting down our arrival? How diligent are you~" you tease him, chuckling. He put his hand on top of your head, and yelled to the first-years that slowly walking down to the spot you're standing. Sakura and Nirei is now trailing behind you. Hiragi eventually let go of your head.

"It took you 7 minutes 48 point 26 seconds to get outside. Preschoolers move faster than that!" Hiragi said, you smiled about how detailed he is. Suo, the name of the eye-patched boy who you learned while walking in the hallway, spoke, "he included the point-second? Talk about detailed!" as if praising him and went beside you.

You snickered, "right, right? He's acting like a teacher, too!" You said to Suo, who only nodded with a smile too.

"From when i saved the girl from the cafe." Sakura said in a whisper tone to Nirei, but you can hear it from here. "You mean Kotoha-san?" Nirei said, and this conversations doesn't slip from Hiragi's ear.

You were about to scold him at first, but with how fast Hiragi grabbed his face and pushed him out of the crowd, it seems you weren't needed in this situation. So you only laughed.

"Do you see that face he was making?! Haha, he's so mad!" You spoke as you continue laughing. Nirei and Suo only looks at him, one with worry and the other just a smile. "What are they talking about?" Nirei said, "hm makes you wonder~" Suo said, looking at them in the distance. Nirei looks at you, his face like he was asking the same question but to you.

"Eh, no worries! It's probably something minor!" You said even if you knew what Hiragi and Sakura was talking about. You look over at them and see that Hiragi was taking his medicine, chucking them down between his sharp teeths.

You huffed out your breath as you see him walking back into the crowd and are now infront of the crowd. Sakura followed from behind. "Sakura, what were you two talking about?" Nirei asks, which Sakura only said, "nothing."

"Ehh? Then what is he like?" Nirei ask, curious again. Sakura was staring at Hiragi, "the type of weirdo to stress himself into a stomachache then takes a Gaskun 10."

"Gaskun 10? The stomach medicine?!" Said Nirei, who write those info down to his notebook. "Why would you even need to note that down?" Sakura look at him weirdly, and Nirei gets closer to his face, "what do you mean, why?! Hiragi-san is one of this school's.. no, one of bofurin's four devas!

"Four devas?!" Sakura said, blinking times to times. You butted in to the conversation, "that's right! He's one of the heavenly generals of devas! He's right under Umemiya! And we are under his!" You explain happily.

"Originally, if (name)-senpai were to join, it would make five devas. But due to her absents, it became four devas!" Nirei continued, and you nodded in approval.

"Huh? Why would she be a general? She isn't the same grade as him.." Sakura said in confusion, you crossed your arms, "you're right. I mean, i left japan after my middle school graduation to go southeast!" You grinned casually, and Sakura blink rapidly, "wait a sec, how old are you?"

"17" "THAT'S NOWHERE NEAR OUR AGE!" Sakura yelled in disbelief, and you just laugh at him. He noticed his volume and his face started to heat up for a matter of seconds. "So.. should we call you our senpai?" Sakura said.

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