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"Straightforward. Heavy reliance on strength alone. Serious to a fault. Not a trace of you is even interesting!"

Sako got a good punch on Hiragi, making him fly back to his position again. "You really haven't grown at all." Hiragi had a smug look on his face. "You sure learned how to run that mouth of yours now." A flashback went to his mind for a few seconds, remembering how Hiragi used to train Sako at a nearby lake.

"You were always quiet, running the risk of biting your own tongue. Glad i didn't even need to teach you that." Sako grunts, then lunged forward at Hiragi. His movement becoming more faster, taking Hiragi off guard. Sako kick his knee, and do a 540 kick in the air, sending Hiragi flying back to the pillar of the curtain.

Your eyes squinted and your brows furrowed, your fingers were gripping the arm rest very tightly as you composed yourself together. "Not only you haven't grown, you've gotten weaker too." Sako glance at Umemiya who has his posture straight. "You ended up this way because you hang out with those losers." He then glanced at you, your chin leaning on your own palm.

"Only then, you and (name) became naive pushover that cares about being nice to each other—" "hey." Sakura's raspy voice caught you off guard, "huh?" "Not you." Sakura jumped out of his seat and started pointing at Hiragi, "SHARK TEETH! YOU HEAR ME DON'T YA?!"

"Thanks to you, people are lookin' down on us thanks to your sorry excuse for a fight!" Sakura yelled, making you smile nervously at his rage, "have a weak stomach is fine, but don't be a weak ass fighter!" Sakura started stomping his foot on the ground, ready to beat Hiragi to the pulp if needed. Nirei thankfully pulling his coat as Sakura continuously yelling at Hiragi.

Suo however laugh at Sakura, calling him out for being all caring to his friends in his own way. Sakura then proceeded to decline Suo's assumption, "i'm just pissed that they're looking down on us!" "Wow, you use 'us' than 'me'? Interesting wording!" You teased him, only for Umemiya to ask Sakura to calm down.

"Sako, was it?" Sako now faced Umemiya from far away, "Hiragi's one of the four kinds of Bofurin right now. And even amongts them, he lead a team named Tamonten." Umemiya said with a smile.

"Do you know the other name for Tamonten?"

As Sako let out a loud "huh", a hand gripped on his shoulder, making everyone let out a loud gasp and their eyes full on awe. "Phew.. been a while since i've taken such a good kick." Hiragi has his hand on Sako's shoulder, the scene itself looks like they were joking around, or atleast Hiragi was the one joking around.

Seconds later, Hiragi send a punch so hard that Sako jumped away from him, making Hiragi hit the floorboard that left dust trails. "Still though, i did look pretty lame infront of everyone, huh?" Hiragi muttered as he lifted his head, "you're crazy strong now, eh? Feels like i fought a different person."

"Tamonten is also known as Bishamonten. The God Of War, governing all war-fare." Umemiya continued, Hiragi stood up and goes to grab his stomachache pills. "That first-year really opened my eyes. Talk about embarassing. No amount of pills gonna fix me up now."

"But.. it seems like it's getting a lot more fun now." He chewed his pills, having the same smug smile like the first time he faced Sako. Sako glared at him disgustingly.

They continued throwing another nasty punches and because Hiragi began to get serious and is able to study quietly at Sako's movement and such, he can get good hits to send at Sako. Everybody watch them in awe. You don't get to watch a one-on-one fight such as like them.

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