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"Allaa, you're way persistent man~"

A gray hoodie guy appeared infront of Kiryu and Ayaka, looking extremely irritated at Kiryu. "You made a big mistake, pal!" He clenched his teeth.

"Aren't you the one who's making the mistake? You were scaring her back there, and how you gon' make up for that?" Kiryu provoked, not pleased at the guy's remark.

Ayaka stood behind Kiryu, looking down at the concrete as she was too scared on facing the mean man. "What's going on here??" The red door behind them opened, revealing Tsugeura walking out the place.

Kiryu turned around, "i happened to across this guy trying to take this girl somewhere, so i socked him on and we made a run for it." He explained, which you heard as you walked out from the place.

"Didn't expect him bringing a whole gang just to find her, though. Take a hint, man..." Kiryu said. As the grey hoodie guy give a fierced glare at Kiryu, Tsugeura spun his heel around as he grab his shoulder, "kiryu-kun, yer a cool one, huh!" He praised.

Kiryu was stunned at Tsugeura, muttering a thanks as he stared weirdly at the brocolli. "So your aesthetic is takin' care of women, huh? Nice! Humm! Yes!!"

"Erm, yeah, but now it's not the right time for this..." Kiryu sweated, which made the grey hoodie guy yelled in frustration at Tsugeura, "hey orange punk! We have business to take care with pinky!"

"And the way you don't admit it is SO COOL!!! I REALLY LIKE ITT!!" Tsugeura once again announce with joy. The hoodie guy's rage were obvious, "hey! Are ya listening to me?!" Hearing the danger, Kiryu tried to loosened Tsugeira's grip on his shoulder. You sweated as you view their racket.

"Tsuge-chan, later. Later we'll do this, 'kay?" But his words fell into deaf ears, "i knew my eyes don't deceive me that you're a good guy!" Tsugeura continued, causing the hoodie guy's rage to outburst after Tsugeura ignoring him.

"You... DON'T EVER UNDERESTIMATE ME!" as the grey hoodie guy about to throw a punch at Kiryu from behind, a kick went through his guts first before he could hit Kiryu, making him immediately fall into unconcious.

Everyone gasped at the sight. "Sheesh..." Sakura muttered, fixing his coat, "ganging up on someone is lame as hell." He provoked the crowd

"YOU BASTARDD!!" "WE'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!" The crowd threaten with their fist up. You chuckled, placing your hand on Sakura's shoulder. "Damn, Sakura! You really takin' the spotlight!" You called out.

"HIYAHAHAHA! Nice one, Sakura-kun!" Tsugeura praised, "hum hum, that was satisfying." Kiryu spoke, smilling at the crowd.

"Let's take a distance first." Suo said as he pushed Ayaka gently to make a distance, causing her to stare at Suo in disbelief, "but—" "don't you worry.." Suo turned his head to the four.

"Those four are really strong."

You counted on the crowd in your head. There were a total of 35 guys facing the four of you (- the one who's laying on the floor). That means you can roughly take down 9 guys, which is not too many.

"You're hurt ain't cha, Sakura-kun? Sure you won't wanna sit this one out?" Tsugeura spoke, "what ya talking about? 'M fine." Sakura responded.

You wondered, "there's 35 of 'em, so each of us can get 8-9 people." Kiryu sighs, "sorry for dragging you all into this mess."

"Hey, Furin! I don't care if you're the town protectors or shits like that!" "Don't get full on yourself, morons!" Some of them said, as you crack your neck.

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