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After the tournament between Sakura and Togame along with Umemiya and Tomiyama, which where you slept through, Shishitoren and Bofurin began to held truce on both sides.

The aftermath gave you a relief feeling, you were thankful for Umemiya resolving the trouble with Tomiyama. But you owe a big thanks to Sakura, who opened the second-in command's eyes during the fight.

How do you know? Hiragi told you about it. And a certain someone decided to record their fight and send it to you..

It's not that important on getting to know them now. The important thing right now is..

"Cheers for all! We did a great tons of work!!" Umemiya beamed his smile with a bottle of green tea on his right hand. You sat beside Umemiya, admiring the food that Umemiya and the others bring across the bar district that's suprisingly still open for business.

"Why does it have to be outside anyway?" Hiragi asks, which Umemiya respond, "you can't do banquets indoors!" "I agree! The outside has very much oxygen we could breath in!" You followed, clasping your hand as you plastered a smile on your face.

"But man! Everything looks great!" Umemiya grab a chopstick and pull it in half to the once stuck-together stick into two. You were again admiring the snacks and grab a chopstick for you also.

There's even dango and mochi for desserts! You almost drolled at the sight. "Well then, time to hatch down!" You say loudly as you grab the crispy chicken between your chopstick and put it in your mouth, slowly listening the sweet crunch in your mouth and feeling the flavor has gotten to your tongue.

Your body felt more energized as you gulped it down, "it's delicious!" You mumbled, putting your palm on your cheek as you grab more chickens again. Umemiya does the same and he munch all of them in a fast pace. Not going to lie, when it comes to food, Umemiya likes to be aggressive about it.

"Ooh, they did give us some lemon!" Umemiya grab the lemon from the crispy chicken pack. If it weren't for Hiragi to hold his forearm in place, Umemiya would make the crispy chicken turn to a sour one.

"Squeeze it on your own food, dumbass!!" He yelled at Umemiya. You grab the beef skewers and give it a good and nice look before you pulled on of the meat with your teeth, shutting your eyes as you feel the flavor again.

Everything is so delicious that it makes you forgot on how Shishitoren and Bofurin was an enemy before all of this.

Umemiya noticed that Togame hasn't grab anything from the circle of foods. "What's up, Togame? You haven't touch a single food." He pointed it out, as you took a glance also at Togame. He was hanging his head low, the empty plate and chopstick were in his lap.

Togame proceeded to put down his plate and chopstick down to the floor, and then formally bowing down to the group. "I'm really sorry." He said, the talking seems to shut down as everyone listened to Togame's speech.

"This entire incident till the end.. it was all my fault. I let Shishitoren rot away. I even started yesterday and today's fight.. all of them. I'm really sorry."

"Kame-chan, i'm also at fault, too!" Even so, Togame hung his head low, embarassed to show his face. Tomiyama also put down his plate and chopstick and bowed to the group.

You stared at them with the skewers in your mouth. Umemiya smiled at the two, "you heard 'em." He then leaned back on his arm. "Sakura, whatcha gonna do?" This suprised Sugishita. He really can't covered up his emotions very well.

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