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"Wah! The vegetable are growing fast!"

You were in the school roof with a smile in awe as you look at Umemiya's plants that he grow with his hardwork. Actually.. the roof is his own garden. How cool is that?! His garden is like all of gardener's dreams!

"Oh look! This one's already grew well! We should have a barbecue steak tonight!" Your eyes peeked at the well-done tomato and tilting up your head to Umemiya who is standing behind you, also spectating the vegetables.

His eyes twinkling, "you're right! It could be our little ceremony of welcoming you back!" Umemiya said as you grinned and looking back at his vegetables.

"Speaking of ceremony, you're in class 1-1, right? Seems like Hiragi is your leader." Your ears perked up like a puppy listening to the sound of its owner opening a door. You stood up and clean your pants which has leftover dirts you step on.

"Really?! He's my leader?!" You said, your eyes twinkling. "That would mean.. i can be with Kaji!" You smacked your palm with your other hand formed in fist. But it also makes you wonder.

"But, why would i be in Hiragi's team? I'm not that strong, despite how i always show off with words that i am strong." You crossed your arm but you were actually hugging yourself, showing a language that you rarely shows to anyone. Insecurity.

Umemiya smiled, "you always humbling yourself when it comes to your strength." He said, "i mean, don't you like like Hiragi?" That words came out of nowhere, and you blankly stares at him.

A second. It took you a second to comprehend his words. Your ears slowly heating up, "wha- wha- what?! No way! I see Hiragi as my friend! Like a boy-best friend! N- n- not some relationship boy!" You defend yourself, hardly. Umemiya laugh, "you're so bad at hiding it!"

You pouted, "even if i did like him, i would fall over heels easily like any other girls!" This caught Umemiya attention, and he decided to tease you with it, using your word against you, "so you don't like Hiragi?"

"I like him! Platonically or in a friendly-way! I wouldn't say romantically cuz that'll be impossible in the world we live in!" You complain. Umemiya laugh again, and put his hand on top of your head, "hum hum, you do have a point!" He said, huffing out his breath.

"But if you two decided to date at one point, tell me everything!" Umemiya hold out a thumbs up, and this just made your face heated up. He wrap his arms around your shoulder and squeeze you between his biceps and chest, "i would love to help my fellow good friend (Hiragi) to be good in dating with my little sister (name)!" He then spun you around, as you yelled at him to stop!

He let you go and you stepped back while stumbling your feet, "w- whatever! I'm going to class!" You said with your face still heating up. You grab your coat that sits on the bench and your earphone that spread messily in the table. You hang your coat on your shoulder and go to the main exit door.

Until it opens itself, and behold, reveal Hiragi himself behind the door. Your face heats up more when you stared right back at him, "ah, (name)—" you ran past him, not caring if you stumble your feet on the way down the stairs. Hiragi only stares at your retreated form with confusion.

Your head feels hot, that steams were pratically coming out of your scalp. Before you knew it, you were in the bathroom third's floor. You quickly wash up your face with cold water, decreasing your face heat temperature to its normal one. You got out quickly cuz you were afraid there was someone in the bathroom.

'Focus (name)! You live in a delinquents world! There's no such things as falling in love!' You think to yourself. Your hand went to your pocket to pull out your earphone, sticking its wires to your phone and playing a song.

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