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"She headlock her opponent?!"

Nirei watch with amusement, Sakura as per usual leaning in his seat with his knees apart. "It doesn't seem like it" Suo commented, his hand placed on his lap as he sat upright. "The opponent has to be on the ground when the other peform a headlock on them, don't you think?"

"Is that so? Well, i myself don't know a lot about Wrestling!" Nirei said, a bead of sweat fall on his cheek. The monotone hair leaning forward, placing his elbow on his apart knees and his hands on his chin, observing.

His piercing gaze set at you, and only you. You were smilling, gleeful even while being injured.

Back to your perspective, you were grabbing Hanzō's arm while smirking. The blood went its way to your mouth. Eventually, you let go of his arm and kick away his shoulder, making the two of you distancing yourself atleast 3 meters away.

You feel your own blood goes down to your lips. You licked your lips out of habit, tasting your blood. It
was nasty, yet it gives you the realization that you were still standing.

Your body was twitching and hurting as hell. He did a good number on you..

Before, you were soo pumped up! You even tried to unleashed half percent of your power just to attack him left and right!

But now? After receiving that hit, you thought you were almost DONE. You thought you would be having conversations with the grim reaper!

Hanzō already prepared his stance, hands in the air while his legs apart in a line infront of you. Your head suddenly hurts, making you rubbing your already messy hair.

"... m' tired." You mutters, and Hanzō seem to catch up to your word but couldn't hear clearly. "What ya say?" Hanzō spat.

"I said..." your pierce gaze on him, "... i'm really tired!!" Your tone suddenly turn into a whiny baby. Everybody stared at you. You were joking right? You are.. right?

Umemiya laughed was heard from across you, "oh man! She's really taking this un-seriously!" He said. The rest of the first-years Bofurin were watching with a dumbfounded look.

They know you were a laid back, but they didn't think you would be THIS laid back...

Nirei, who was sweating nervously before, had a nervous smile, "h-has she lose her mind?" He calmly said.

"Maybe that hit she took makes her different, like in a movie..." Suo said, but damn, he also didn't expect that you were like this..

Sure, you were embarassing yourself infront of the Shishitorens. But... you were TIRED as hell.

Hanzō, in the other side, clenched his fist infront of him, "you really taking this like a joke, huh?" He spat out bitterly.

You yawned, placing your palm infront of your mouth, "well, i'm really sleepy. It's the truth." You said, shrugging.

Suddenly, the crowd started yelling. You look at the crowd with a tired eyes.

You couldn't make out to what they say. So you just stand there, looking at the crowd with a blurry vision.

"They sure booing us." You spoke and you turn to look at Hanzō, "hey dude, are they booing at us—"


Suddenly, a fist makes it way to punch your face. As the dust began to spread out, you were seen holding the fist up in your palm.

"That's a rare face." You looked down at Hanzō face. It was like one of an japanese demon mask they sells at bazaars during festival. You think it was called Hannya mask.

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