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"Goooddd morning!"

You announced loudly, approaching your group
(-Sakura) who already sat in their seats. They responded your good morning and you grab a chair for yourself.

"Fyuh, i never thought today is the day we would be choosing our grade captain!" You spoke, Suo hummed at your statement, "you must be excited with today's ceremony, (name)-san?"

"Well, she is an acquaintances of the Tamonten captain and Bofurin's top dog..." Nirei said outloud while he read the page inside his book. "You were also a top dog in your middle school years, aren't you, (name)-san?"

"Oh my, she was a leader of a gang? Not suprising, you're really strong, (name)-chan" Kiryu spoke, staring at you in admiration. "That's not it! Everyone's just really relying on me a lot!" You excused as you felt your face heated up.

"Scratch that! I'm curious about the gang's name!" Tsugeura exclaimed, leaning forward on his seat more, "the gang i was in has been disbanded for a while! It wasn't that big too!"

"50 people are a bit much for a gang, and it was quiet famous too..." Nirei muttered out, and you shrieked quietly in your seat, "Nirei-kun! Don't say that outloud! It's so embarassing!"

"Nirei-kun! Tell us more about (name)-san! I'm intrigued about her!" "I'll kick you out of this classroom, Tsugeura!"

Suo and Kiryu only laughed as Nirei watch with nervousness. After that shenanigan, the five of you talked about games, sports, workout, rumors... basically anything random.

You were also not wearing your usual furin coat, and causing Suo to ask the whereabouts on your missing coat.

You just answered, "someone will bring it to me!"

Suddenly, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Pulling it out, you saw a recent pop-up message.

Expecting you to be at your classroom.

Hiragi-san ask me to bring your coat

Thanks Kaji-kun!
(KAJI reacted with a 👍)

The slide door of the classroom suddenly opened with a loud bang. You turned around, expecting Kaji to come in.

but it was just your friend, Sakura, who suddenly approached his group of friends. As you and the rest of the group says mornin' to Sakura, he suddenly blew a fuse.

"WHAT THE HELL IS A GRADE REP, HUH??!" Sakura yelled angrily, causing Nirei to be suprise at his sudden outburst. "W-why do you have to be so angry all of the sudden?!" Nirei commented.

"And why are you sending messages for things we could talk about here?!" Sakura's finger pointed at all of his friends, including you.

"Texting is more convinient though!" Kiryu spoke, "i saw your read receipts and though you were reading, but it can be tough if you're not used to it." Suo explained, looking behind Sakura to see three new figure going inside the classroom.

"You should sit down, Sakura! Your senpai's already here." You mentioned, waving at Kaji with a grin on your face. Kaji noticed your waving, and he waved back at you quietly. His arm also holding your coat.

"It's the second years tamonten's grade captain and vice reps." Dragging a chair for Sakura, Enomoto yelled at the rest of the people in the classroom. "SIT YERRR ASS DOWN!"

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