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"Be careful, grandma Asuka! Won't want you breaking your back!"

You waved at her with a soft smile as you walk away from her place. As of right now, you're patroling around the town. Even though it's not your schedule to patrol today and you didn't wear your usual Furin coat because the weather was hot as an oven, you insisted on being a patroller for the time being.

It was also the reason why you aren't joining the four of your friend going to a protein restaurant or whatever Tsugeura said. Honestly, you weren't that much of a protein person.

Sure it made you strong, but you're not planning on bulking your body anyway. Your biceps are already strong enough to hold two shopping bags filled with treats and snacks.

Your phone suddenly buzzed in your pocket. Feeling the vibration, you take it out and accept the caller without seeing the caller's name, "good morning! Who am i speaking today?" You exclaimed.

"Yo yo yo!" A loud and enthusiastic voice came out from the phone, "you haven't call me for a good 5 days! You busy?" The caller said, while speaking in Indonesia language. You were almost stunned while hearing the voice, being familiar with the sound.

"Surya-san! Oh my, i'm sorry i haven't notify you earlier! It's just that i was so excited on meeting my old friends!" You said in the language that your friend could understand.

"I'm not that busy actually, just patrolling around the town to see any bad stuff happening." You mentioned, remembering something and making your eyes widened. "Hey! You and the others should visit japan!"

Surya scoff, "be realistic! You can't fit 100 members in an airplane!" You pouted, "i don't mean every single person in our gang! I mean like just the 6 of us!" You remark, making Surya "ooh" on the other side of the phone.

"So just the former member of our gang?" "That's right! Maybe at june 18th or somewhere before that!" You exclaimed, making Surya hummed. "We'll see what we can do. Maybe Arjuna could treat us to Japan~!"

"I HEARD THAT YOU FUCKHEAD!" You heard another voice in the distant from the phone, which made you chuckle. Suddenly, you hear punching sounds, which doesn't suprise you.

"Hey hey! Don't start fighting without me over there! You'll make me feel left out!" You joked, putting your hand over your mouth as you covered your smile. You hear from the other side became more frantics due to the fighting.

Somehow, the same voice that screams at Surya popped out, "You're calling (name) out of the blue? What the hell man!? You should've told us!" You heard Arjuna's rage over the phone.

"Well, aren't you a romantic!~" Surya teased, which make more sounds of punching and shrieking. "SHUDIT!" Arjuna screams.

You hissed, cringing at the continued sounds of punching and kicking. You decided to end the call and leave them alone for the time being. It was a bad idea to call Surya...

Suddenly, you heard footsteps coming towards you. You turned your head to the right, realizing that you were walking past an alley, and you recognize a pink medium length hair with his furin coat hanging around his elbow running towards you with a girl in his hand.

"Senpai!" He called you out, stopping infront of you. "You're that pink guy—" "do you know a place where we could hide for the time being?" He cutted you off, which you blinked.

Your eyes glanced at the girl who seems to be nervous, then you averted your gaze to what's behind them. There was an unconcious guy laying on the alley, which cause you too widen your eyes.

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