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"Ahhhhhh this is terriblee! Soo terribleee! It's a reallll disasterr!!"

Nirei writhed in agony as his gaze was fixated between his lap and the edge of the table. Just after the Shishitoren clash, the ones who were involved in the fight were supposed to meet up at a cafe. Apparently, the first-years has done their job. Well, except for you.

You're with Umemiya and Hiragi since you decided to stick around with them a bit, so the only ones that is in the cafe is Nirei, Sakura, Suo, Sugishita, and the victim, Sasaki, a third-mid schooler (who was convinced by Suo to join their little meeting)

"Hey now, quit whining already." Sakura said who sat beside Nirei, who later yelled at him. "WHO'S FAULT DO YOU THINK THAT CAUSE THIS?!!!" Sakura only put his hands up to his ears do to how loud Nirei is.

Kotoha walked to their table with a tray of foods, "now now, stressing it out won't change a thing, Nirei-kun." Kotoha reassured him as she placed the Omurice infront of him. "Eat something. It'll calm you down."

"You really don't get it, Kotoha-san! This is just a hypothetical thinking, but what if.. what if, by tomorrow.. Tomiyama take over Bofurin and Umemiya loses?!" Nirei said, receiving a glare from Sugishita from across the table. If Sugishita sat on their table, a fight would break loose immediately.

"Shishitoren might steal Bofurin.. and what if Bofurin stop existing?!" Nirei looks up at Kotoha, while Sakura chomped down his omurice once it sets down to the table by Kotoha.

"Stressing it out will cause more stressing anyway.." Kotoha said, walking away from the table, but before that, she tilted her head behind her, "don't you worry. Bofurin aren't that weak. You know that." She said, reminding him what people in Bofurin is like.

These cause Nirei to look at his friend beside him, Sakura, who is so focus on his meal. It kinda reminded him that this is the same Sakura that saved him at the streets and beat up five guys. His gaze followed with Sasaki and Suo who smiles at Sakura's eating pace.

Nirei soon calmed down, yet still very nervous for the fight tomorrow. Just 18 hours left, and soon, he and the others would know the results between the two clash tomorrow.

"Hey, i'm done eating. Can i go now?" Sakura clash the spoon to his now empty plate. Nirei look to his side again, and see that Sakura's plate was already cleaned. Well.. the tiny vegetables is still placed neatly on the edge of the plate, just like how it was placed for the first time.

"So fast! Wait.. Umemiya and the other aren't here yet. We should wait first." Nirei said, but Sakura was already impatient. "They told us to wait, but aren't showing up." Sakura said, his chin resting on his palm.

Suo smiled, "it took time to calm everyone who's ready for blood." He said, Sakura straighten his posture and his back relaxed at the cushion behind him. "Yeah, but.. why a cafe? It's just coffee and stuff." "You just finished a whole Omurice, dude."

Suo sipped his tea, since he's on a 'diet' as he would like to say. "This has been known as a Bofurin gathering spot for a long time. The councils gathered here before the fights." He placed down his tea.

"After all—" BANG!! The sound of the door opened followed with the bell ringing came out from the front door, revealing the familiar white slicked back hair who's gaze is at the floor.

"KO.." a sound of the footstep forward, followed with another voice, "..TO..." a highlighted (h/c) with black hair figure appeared beside Umemiya. "..HAAAA!!" They yelled in sync as Umemiya leaned his cheek on his palm, elbow placed on the counter while you waved at her as you walked beside Hiragi, hands full with a medium-sized bag.

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