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"Hey, Tomiyama. A nice gift you did to her."

Umemiya is now facing Tomiyama. You however sat at the tiny stairs while huffing your breath repeatedly as you look at yourself in your camera phone with everyone standing behind you.

Your face is not destroyed, thankfully. But now, your body felt sore again after fighting him and trying to follow his fast pace. You sigh as you bent your knees together to place your cross arms on your knees and your chin resting on your arms, "what's a Shishitoren leader doing here anyway.. Hiragi?" You ask.

Hiragi walk down to the stair at the same level as you. "A third mid-schooler was chased down by lion head guys and two brats decided to kick one of them, causing their second-in-command come out from their turf." He informed, receiving a glare from Sakura. You simply hummed as you close your phone.

"You mad?! You're mad are ya?!" You see Tomiyama laugh again as Umemiya said, "you seem happy." This shock the first-years except you and Hiragi. You stood up slowly, almost stumbling at the stairs but you grab Hiragi's coat for support and his hand instantly went to your shoulder to prevent you from falling further.

"You should sit this one out, (name)" Hiragi said to you, or rather ask you to sit down. But being as stubborn as a rock, you shook your head, "no way. This is the first time i fight someone after months. Besides, i'm getting rusty these days." You complain

Hiragi chuckle, "really? You managed to punch the Shishitoren leader two times and you still think you're rusty?" He said. He can't believe how humble you are this days. You could feel his hand that holds your shoulder tighten.

Sakura was glancing at the two, but his eyes was set to you especially. You look like a normal girl. Even act like one. Actually, Sakura never knew what a normal girl act like. But a normal girl would never involved herself in a fight that intense. And that Tomiyama.. Sakura thinks he's strong as hell than the second-in-command, who Sakura recently met at Shishitoren's turf.

He saw Tomiyama circling around Umemiya, smilling while clapping his hand like a kid, "one-on-one! One-on-one!" He kept repeating that sentence like a mantra, even the way he circled around Umemiya looks like he was doing a ritual on Umemiya. 'This dude had no chill.' Sakura thought.

"It's true that we made the first move." Umemiya spoke, making Tomiyama stopped his /ritual/ around Umemiya while being confused. "Oh?"

"But you see, you already done plenty. Plenty enough." Umemiya pointed out to the furin members, unconcious on the ground. He also glanced at you, who's face is injured and has bruises along with dirt marks. Your face were even serious than before. His eyes then goes to Tomiyama again, "Be satisfied with this. We're even now."

Tomiyama realized what Umemiya said and looked at the trails of unconcious people on the ground. "Ahh.. uhh.. we are?" He said, acting confused and his eyes blank and depressed as ever. Nirei was hiding behind suo's shoulder, scared and fear filling him, "he.. accepted it?" He whispers to no one.

Tomiyama looked back at Umemiya with his blank expression. "You should hurry back home—" before you knew it, Tomiyama ran up to Umemiya, doing a high kick on Umemiya, who block it with his arms. "Ugh. You're impatient as ever." The kick was so hard that the dirts smokes were pratically dancing around them.

You were right. He did hold back while fighting you.

This made Tomiyama grinned and jumped back from Umemiya. He clap his hands, taunting Umemiya again, "there, Ume-chan! I started it! Now it's your turn! Come on, hurry and fire back!" He exclaimed. His body were moving back and forth as if he can't be any more patient if Umemiya won't hit him for just a second.

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