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"That's why i won't lose. I'll try my best!"

You saw how calmly Suo walked up to the stage as he is now facing Kanuma, the manbun guy. Kanuma looks pretty stressed out, he keep biting his teeth and glaring at Suo deadly. You leaned back on your seat with a huft.

In your perspective, Suo is a mysterious calm man who wouldn't pick a fight with an animal despite its danger. He's a kind man but.. it's off to see him being kind in a certain situation.

"Hey, what kinda guy is he?" Sakura asks as his eyes glued to the stage. "Ah, Kanuma-san, right? Please wait." Nirei went to his notebook, searching for Kanuma's record, "no, not him." This catch Nirei off guard. "Eh? Suo-san?" His fingers went to Suo's page record.

"Well, he's already been famous in his middle school because of his strength." Nirei read outloud from his notebook, "i can tell! What else is he?!" Sakura burst out of anger, "eh?! Just by looking?!" "Just tell me!" Nirei flips his page book again, but to his worries.. "i only know he's pretty famous, but i haven't heard much about who is he against, and so on.."

"Huh?! What's up with that?" Sakura said loudly. Their conversation was heard by Hiragi, who sat across them, "me neither. I have no clue with that guy. We went to different school." Nirei and Sakura looks at him, you also retorted that question, "yeah! I only have heard about him yesterday!" Umemiya also glance at the conversation, seemingly interested.

"I dont know how he is until i see him." Umemiya said as his eyes now placed on the stage again, "but after seeing him... he's a kind man." Your eyes glance at him, then goes back to the stage. 'A kind man, huh..' you thought as you crossed your arms. Suo was taunting Kanuma, it sounds like he was using this situation as a show. The way his eyes stared at Kanuma with a full on mocking smile..

Was that a face of a kind man would make?

Kanuma charged at Suo due to his ego being striked down. As Kanuma got closer, Suo countered his punch and swiftly stepped on the other side. Your eyes widened with your mouth agape. That wasn't a normal dodge. His stance were much graceful. Was it an aikido? Or kung-fu? Maybe a jumble of those two!

Kanuma charged back at Suo again, only to be countered and fall on his back, hard. "Quite the flashy way to fall over" Suo mocked him, making Kanuma blushed out of irritation and embarrassment. He grab the hems of Suo's pants, only to be effortlessly thrown by him.

"He's nasty.." you blink multiple times, not believing to what you see now is happening in real times. ".. i never thought he would be that type of guy." Hiragi glance at you, confused at your statement, "what type?" "You know, the type of guy who's so mad to how the world treat somebody." Hiragi deadpanned at you, "just what were you watching for the past 2 years?" "A whole lots of japanese drama." Umemiya laugh beside you.

"Seems like he's not just a kind face!" Umemiya's statement was heard by the two-toned hair, "psh, there's not a glimmer kindness there. He's got a nasty personality." Sakura said, his eyebrows knitted together, "instead of leaving that guy alive, or simply killing him, he make some kind of show. There's a difference between their skills, so he shows it that way. If i was that guy, i would kill myself first. Thought it'd be different if it were me."

"Sheesh.. pretty rough, don't you think?" You muttered but he's got a point so you can't talk. "Well, i'm sure he must have his own thought about how Shishitoren's do their things, but i couldn't imagine that he'll be this emotional." Hiragi spoke, leaning back on his seat more, "if you think about it.. maybe he's influenced by a certain someone?" Umemiya pointed out. Your eyes goes to Sakura who's observing the fight infront of him.

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