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"Quiet people makes me sick."

Your hand twitch as you stand in the middle circle of unconcious people on the ground. Dried blood sticking on the ground. Heavy breathing from your lungs that only nature could hear. The birds chirping yet you could only hear buzzing sound despite bees not being in sight.

Your vision started to get blurry, only then do you realize that hot tears were falling to your cheeks. You only sigh and wiped your tears with your dirty sleeve.

Every week is just the same. Some kids will stick their noses to something that doesn't belong to them. It's honestly lame, you think.

You approached one of the unconcious boy and rummaged his pocket. You feel something in it and took it out, to find a pink with a lot of accesories wallet. Just what you search.

Small flashback, some girl said to her friends that a group of guys were rummaging her bags during breaks and steal her wallet. You overheard their conversation and decided to help her. And.. this is where you are now.

"Why bother going to school if you steal someone's stuff? It doesn't make sense." You said to yourself, putting the girl's wallet on your long skirt pocket. You grab the big headphone of yours that fell during the fight and walk away from the already finished brawl.

"You bitch..." you heard a mumbled from behind as you walk away, slowly turning back, to see the guy you punched rushing towards you, "YOU'RE GONNA PAY!" He yelled before jumping on me with his fist on the air.

You were about to avoid his attack, but then.. a shadow loomed over you as you look at the sky, eyes widened like you have seen a big roach. But it's not about roach.

A white hair guy, same your age and same uniform, kick the guy in the air, on the face too. The guy that almost attack you fell on the ground face flat. You were shock. How couldn't you be? Someone suddenly fly just to.. save you?

The white hair guy landed gently on the ground. The wind blew his hair like he's a leaf of flowers. Your eyes stared at him. His looks.. is pretty damn normal. He had that normal hair for a guy who didn't use gel to shape their own hair.

"Hi!" Was all he said.


You woke up from your heavy nap. Your body felt heavy and your hair was tangling like a lion's hair, except lion's hair is more softer than yours.

You yawned and walked up to the bathroom, releasing your inner water and started to take a bath. The bath took you 30 minutes. 10 minutes for wearing hair mask, 10 minutes for brushing your teeth and cleaning your body along with face, and 10 minutes for drying your long hair.

It's not easy to be a girl, bonus points if a girl's hobby is fighting.

Your phone rings on top of your bed. Covering yourself with towel, you grab your phone and see that Hiragi is calling. "Hello-" you answer but hiragi cuts you off quickly, "aren't you supposed to be here by any minutes?!" His voice were commanding, as ever.

"Chillax, i'm getting ready." You answer him, while grabbing the sleeve your freshly, already ironed Furin coat that hanged on your wall. "It's not gonna change anything even if i'm not there. The ceremony is like, tomorrow." You said, putting on your oversized shirt with a kitten face that said "meow punched this!" In japanese.

"Are you forgetting your plans with Umemiya?!" Hiragi said with a slightly irritating tone, "jeez, even when i'm away, that damn guy kept blowing my phone!" You only laughed sarcastically, "sucks to be you"

"Just go to school damnit!" He yelled again, "yeah yeah buddy, don't forget patrolling the town." You reminded him before putting your phone down on the floor. Putting on your pants, you slipped your phone in your pocket and grabbed your coat.

You never need books, hell you never need bags. Furin High is just for delinquents "nobodies" living their teenagers life together. Excepts it's only for boys and delinquents girls is always rare to find.

The door of your empty apartment open as you walk out with new fresh air welcoming your lungs. You exhale in relief and left the apartment with your door locked. And so, your legs walked to Furin High.


Apartment Layout

I'm trying to make (name) more like a feminine girl like tsubakino-chan but the opposite

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I'm trying to make (name) more like a feminine girl like tsubakino-chan but the opposite. Instead of using short skirts, (name) likes to use loose pants type for better fighting experience, it also looks like a skirt if you look at it from far away.

Thank you for reading! I'll update daily or weekly!
See you!

Words : 803

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