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"Ume-chaaan! Welcome, we've been waiting!!"

There stood Tomiyama, who spread his arms wide open, while the other stand behind him. "Yeah, sorry for the intrusion." Umemiya answered with the same smiled that mirrored the other side.

Tomiyama and the others were leading your group to their place. Now getting a good look at their turf, it's filled with bars. But, it didn't have any people in it. Maybe because it's morning? But thinking about it more.. what adults would have the guts to work here?

You walked between Umemiya and Hiragi, the others were behind the three of you. "I never thought you would style your hair, (name)-chan! It looks good on you!" Umemiya praised you, and you smiled happily at him. "Thanks! I've been trying different style, and this one fits me the most!"

Your hair is styled into a low braid ponytail that goes over your shoulders. You were thinking of going with a high twist hair but you didn't want to get tickled by the ends of your hair on your nape. It was simple, but good for fighting. You also wear black shirt underneath your furin coat instead of white and a loose pants for more freedom to your legs. You weren't exactly wearing your coat, it's just clinging on your shoulders.

Beside your waist, was a big slouch bag that contains a roll up bandage, antibiotic, portable knife, and sticking bandage. There's more but it isn't worth mentioning. You also bought tiny hair ties for your hair, also for Sugishita if he ever wants one, and hair clips.

You put your hands behind your head, "walking around in someone's turf gave you the chills, don't ya think?" You spoke as your eyes looks between the bars that are neither close or abandoned. "Not my first time but it's kinda give you the hibby jibbies at the start." Umemiya answered.

"But i was expecting lots of people glare at us with dead eyes like in a movie!" Umemiya said with a grin, "i was thinking the same!" You cheered with the same expression, while Hiragi stares at the both of you, asking himself why can he be friends with the two of you.

"Anyway, excuse me both of you, i wanna talk to the first years!" You informed, walking backwards and slowed down your walking pace, and turned your body around to the group, "normally when in situations like this, people would be shaking their boots." You mentioned, making the boys gaze move to you.

"But you guys are oddly calm. Not your first time?" You asks, tilting your head as you walk backwards, Suo flap his hand infront of his face, "nope. It's my first time actually. I never involve myself in gangs unless it's necessary." Suo said, Sakura and Sugishita also agree that this is their first time, not saying furthermore. Nirei was hiding behind Suo's back the whole time.

"Huh.. well i can't really relate." You mentioned, making Suo ask a question, "you mean this is not your first time?" You shook your head, "i have involved myself in fights a lot of times. I really can't keep count of how many.." you rubbed your chin.

"From what i've heard, you intrude different turfs 5 times. But that was your pre-middle school record from before you join Umemiya." Nirei mentioned, making your eyes widened and your mouth agape. The others let out a suprises gasp.

"I-is that so..? Nirei-kun, y-you have records about me?" You said, looking away. You never thought someone would write a record about you. It's as if Nirei is a person who was hired by the goverment itself. Your face started to get red , thinking that Nirei has your secrets in his little notebook.

"Don't be flustered! What kind of sick reason that made you put down 5 gangs turf?!" Sakura yelled at you, demanding you to tell the truth. You put your hands up in defense, "i-i won't tell you!! It's too embarassing!" You said with a flustered smile, "embarassing my ass!"

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