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You blinked at the sudden outburst question. Of course, you weren't expecting an enthusiastic question shoved right against your guts, because at first you were fully convinced yourself that you'll be the first one to arrive at your class.

Turns out a brocolli ginger headed gym rat guy was ahead of you. He wears sweat shirts and short pants, an usual attire to use when being a gym rat. Although, what's more weirder is that he was wearing sandals.

Not a pair of sandals that's made of leathers, but straight up beach cheap flip-flops you could find in thrift store for 150 yen.

Back on the topic, you stood on the doorway as you were faced by a wild gym rat who flexed his biceps at you, "you mean my style of clothing?" You asked, the boy shook his head.

"Not that! I mean like something that you very much obsessed with!" He explained happily. You blink again, and then hummed as you scratch your chin with your finger to think deeply. "An obsession huh..." you mumbled.

You opened your eyes, "i have no idea!" You said at full volume, suprising the brocolli head. "Heh??! That's impossible!" His eyes widened, not believing you.

You lifted your hand and point your finger at the brocolli head, "why would it be the first thing you ask to me in the morning!? Anyway, who even are you? I haven't met you before!" You pointed out, making him jumped at your words.

"Oh right! I haven't introduced myself!" He exclaimed, putting his fist up to his chest, "i'm Tsugeura Taiga! My virtue is letting my opponents shine with their beauty and finish it with my own shimmer!"

'Oh, he's dying young alright..' you thought to yourself, staring at Tsugeura with concern. He then placed his hand on his hips, "i heard you fought with an ex-pro athlete on a one-on-one brawl in Shishitoren!"

"I never thought the rumors would spread out that fast." You mumbled, putting your hand in your pocket as you listened to Tsugeura, "yeah, that's right" you replied, which make Tsugeura laugh.

"Man, i would love to see the fight on my own!" He exclaimed loudly, which you just nodded as you put a smile on your face. "Then again, did you won the fight?" He asks you, his face full of curiosity.

You put a thumbs up, "of course! It would be a fool for me if i lose to an athlete!" You exclaimed, making Tsugeura stared at you in awe.

Both you and Tsugeura talked with eachother for a while, and soon enough you were called to go to the rooftop by Hiragi. Parting your ways with Tsugeura, you walked up to the rooftop.

Opening the door, you find yourself staring at Umemiya's back and Sugishita watering the plants as usual. You turned your head to your left and to your suprise... you saw the four kings sitting together under the roof.

"You're here early." Hiragi spoke outloud, making the other kings turn their head to you. One's face were lightened up by your appearance. Your eyes also lightened up and your smile widened.

"TSUBAKINO-CHANN!!" You yelled in an outburst as you ran towards Tsubakino who already stood up from the bench. "(NAME)-CHANNN!!" He yelled in the same outburst as you, spreading his arm wide enough.

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