Ramblings About Trivialities

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Life is so short, and we waste so much time on nonsense...

The capitalist world we live in has become a trap that ensnares us from within, there's no escape, sooner or later you'll be caught. Whether it's buying keychains at Disneyland or some useless crystal ornament to place on top of your fireplace. Your kids will want to blend in with the masses by listening to any garbage the industry shoves down our throats. Bad music. Bad art. Bad customs. Bad food. Bad jobs. Empty lives. Standardization. Society will dictate rules on how you should live, and you can't scream "NO!", because then you'll be the crazy one, the outcast, with no chance of work or survival. Exterminated like a disease. Capitalism is like a telepathic monster controlling our minds, created in our own homes by ourselves. We turn on the TV to avoid thinking, eat canned food because it's easier, read rubbish to avoid worrying about the reality outside. "We work jobs we hate to buy shit we don't need!" as Tyler Durden said in the classic Fight Club. When will society wake up? When will we be a legion going against what makes us unhappy? Why do we have to be unhappy? Bankers make fortunes off others' misery, they need people eating crap to ensure their lobster on Saturday nights. But who wants to worry about that? Thinking is hard, and work is the last thing we want. Diseases are tested in Africa for pharmaceutical companies to make fortunes with drugs created before the disease even exists. I don't live in Africa, it's not my concern. It's not my concern. It's not my concern. It's not my concern. It's not my concern. It's not my concern. It's not my concern. It's not my concern. Credit card bill to pay. My concern. Internet bill, television, electric toothbrush, facial cream, eternal youth. My concern. Expensive clothes: Hollister, Prada, Gucci, and whatever else exists out there. I feel alone in a world that can't look outside, I try to talk and people ignore me, they don't want to know, they don't care, they look at me with horror. "What a boring person who only talks about things that don't concern me, I want a man who can talk to me about yesterday's soap opera." I haven't watched TV for over 10 years, I can't, at most I buy a movie and watch it. No commercials, no interruptions, no people wanting me to sell my soul to buy crap. I make crap in my toilet, I see crap when I look out my window at giant billboards, crap is how people treat each other. We were taught this way, trained like animals, confined in a tiny pen and living entire lives without knowing what the world outside is like, without knowing how things really are or should be.

The nonsense is so much and consumes our entire lives, which are so short...

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