Ramblings About Sex

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I'm about to die, and for quite some time now, all I can think about is sex.

Sex is both a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Good because I can't think of anything better that exists. Bad because it ends up controlling our lives at a level we don't even realize.

Sex is a primal instinct... Primitive. We're attracted to a girl based on her physical form, regardless of whether she's smart, nice, friendly, or funny. The person's real qualities come later. We might meet a hottie and then find out she's boring—oh well, move on. What I mean is that physical, sexual attraction comes first without us even noticing.

Animal instincts for procreation, almost like a Nazi thing, horrible, but unfortunately it exists and we pretend not to notice. Nobody looks at an ugly girl and thinks, "She must be nice!"

But what is an ugly girl?

Does one exist?

What's beautiful to one person may be ugly to another.

Those skinny models radiating bulimia like the sun radiates light... For God's sake! That doesn't catch my attention.

Number one top model in the world! Who cares! I wouldn't approach her in a bar today or ever!

Being ugly is relative.

I might be ugly to one person and beautiful to another.

Once, my barber told me a phrase that is the absolute truth:

"No matter how ugly you are, there will always be a beautiful woman who finds you handsome!"

I think it's true, because beauty is relative, just like it is to you.

To you?

Who the hell am I talking to inside my head?

What did I mean when I said "to you"?

These are just my thoughts, no one's listening, they'll disappear like vapor when I die.

I just wanted to have sex one last time.

To feel that explosion of feelings we can't explain.


I don't mind being an irrational animal when it comes to sex. I don't mind giving in to worldly instincts. I'm an animal, just like any human being on Earth.

They could have made this suit a bit more mobile.

I really, really wanted to have sex one last time.

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