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At the beginning, I began as a delicate flower, nurtured within the confinements of the garden, sculpted by men's rules. The petals around me shaped in their expectations. Of perfect. Each layer intricately woven constraint tightened. Every broken step I took, beaten into me by their design. Made by flowers instead of falling. I rose from twisted and rung dry of every essence of my beginning. I made modelling steps to my right. So now I am on the throne I see clearly through unbiased opinions. I refuse to remain within their predetermined boundaries. I transformed tearing off the woven pearl that fell to the ground slowly. Like my realisation. With each determined step, each royal step. I evolved into a queen. No longer defined with expectations of perfection. No longer sculpted out of delicate petals, I grew claws and hard leather. I turned my reign into a garden beyond the pre-defined expectations. Set by those who wished to control the future.

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